New City New Friends

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You are in you are a junior in  high school and you were the smartest kid in class

Third person POV

(Y/N) was a boy who never really was close to other people so his parents decided for him to transfer schools the school he was going to was called gekkoukan high he heard that around t there was a big accident around 10 years ago so he was kind of scared to go there but his parents forced him any ways but he shouldve been greatful for what was gonna happen to him 

Today was the big day where he moves and changes school even though  his parents aren't coming with him they told him "its because we have to stay here and work we will send you money to buy food and other essentials like those also know we love you and care for you also don't have any partys young man" he started packing up his things so he can move into his new home 

Time skip brought to you by chibi (Y/N) dancing the conga with his family

You finally arived at your new home where you will sleep, eat and watch tv in. It was pretty big  a huge master bedroom a guest room and a huge living and dining room but it was very much empty, only things that is there is a fridge  where you put all the food and drinks your mom gave you before moving a couch a coffee table and a king size bed in the master bedroom it seems your parents thought of everything to give you but you still couldn't help but feel lonely so you decided to walk around town first stop the mall. 

You were walking to the mall which was only like 8 blocks away from your home when you saw a girl in a school uniform being bullied by a group of bullies

Bully 1: "He he he you  are as weak  and useless as ever Fuuka."

Bully 2: "Yeah yeah what he said."

Bully 3: "Now be a smart girl and give us all your money before we hurt you."

Fuuka: "But um.... I ummmm..... dont have any money."

Bully 2: "Ha ha very funny Fuuka. We all know you have money and you just dont want to give us it."

You couldnt stand the sight of anyone getting bullied and robbed so you decided to step in 

Bully 1: "Who is this guy? Your boyfriend fuuka?"

(Y/n): "Ha ha ha very funny but im just walking around and you seem like a bunch of people who deserves to be beaten ."

Bully 3: "Oh how scary what yah gonna do tough guy bore us to death."

(Y/N): "No i'm just gonna beat you to a pulp."

Bully 1: "Oh bring it on if you think you are so tough to fight three of us alone."

(Y/N):" I think i can take out four more of you after."

As you finished saying that one of the bullies threw a punch at you but you dodged and then grabbed his arm and twisted it then you kicked him in the gut the the other two  tried to throw punches and kicks at you but you dodged them with ease then when they were done you started throwing punches of your own and they couldn't dodge a single one when you were done beating up those two the other one got up from behind you and then started to trying choke you but you elbowed him straight in the guy where he was blown back and then you hit him one more time in the head to knock him out for a while, you decided to help the girl out 

Fuuka: "Thank you umm....."

(Y/n): "Its  (Y/N) (L/N)."

Fuuka: "oh um thanks (Y/N) my name is Fuuka Yamagishi but why did you decide to help me?"

(Y/N): "oh no reason i just really hate bullies,  i was bullied a lot for being antisocial in my last school so I decided to help you out."

Fuuka: "Oh umm...... if there is any way I can re pay you Just tell me" 

(Y/N): "You don't have to repay me at all but if you could show me around that would be great"

Fuuka: "Oh okay I would love to show you around so where would you love to start?"

(Y/N): "I was just heading to the mall to check it out"

Fuuka: "Oh well just follow me"

(Y/N): "okay"

(Y/N) and Fuuka were going to the mall when Fuuka  found her dorm mates Chie Satonaka and Yukari Takeba

Yukari: "Hey there Fuuka how are you?"

Fuuka: "Oh I'm good how about you guys"

Chie: "I'm great"

Yukari: "Me too"

(Y/N): "Hey Fuuka who are these two?"

Fuuka: "Oh yeah Chie, Yukari this is (Y/N) ,(Y/N) this is Chie Satonaka and the one next to her is Yukari Takeba we are all going to Gekkoukan high"

(Y/N): " Hey I'm also going to gekkoukan high"

Everyone: "REALLY!!!!"

(Y/N): "Yeah why you ask? Is it really that surprising?"

Chie: "Its just we have never seen you before"

Yukari: "Yeah "

(Y/N):"It's because i just moved here"

Yukari: "So you are a transfer student huh?"

(Y/N): "Yeah so that means we will be going to school together  also I'm a junior"


Fuuka: "M-me too"

(Y/N): "well I hope we can be part of the same class But it's getting late I should be getting home"

Evereyone:  "Okay see you tomorow at school"

(Y/n): "Good bye everyone"

After saying goodbye, You started walking home, You waere really happy meeting those three girls But this was just the begining of his adventure 

Wow for my first chapter i had 950 words thats really surprising  I hope everyone enjoys after the second chapter is done i will take requests well see you later guys hope you all have enjoyed

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