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Lexie POV

My alarm goes off
And then I turn it off and sigh
" stop sighing so loud " Mark says
" stop talking so loud " I say getting out of bed
" come on get up , you need to drop me to college " I say
" promise me you'll learn how to drive soon " he says with his pillow over his face
" do you want to take a shower, with me " I ask
" yeah okay " Mark says quickly getting out of bed

George POV
I wake up in a strange bed and look around and see tequila and a girl asleep
I try to get out of the bed but she is lying on my arm I tap on her shoulder
She turns around
" ahhhhh!!!!" I scream as well as she does
It's Christina I get out of bed
" George put on clothes " she says
I grab my clothes on the ground and cover myself
" we never talk of this " she says
" agreed " I say
Meredith runs in
" what's wrong? " she says before realising
" oh my god " she screams
Derek runs in
" oh god " he says
I run out of the room into my own room
Oh god what happened, how would I get that drunk that I'd do that ?

Sorry this is so short but I'm running out of ideas but I have so many ideas for one of my other Mark and Lexie story/fanfic called Mark and Lexie thanks for reading please comment and vote on my other stories as well as this one thanks

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