you get braces..

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Louis: Currently I was sitting at me and Louis’ dinner table with a frown spread across my face. “Come on, love. You have to eat something” Louis said being very kind. “I know babe but these braces are absolutely killing me, I mean other than my pain, what kind of grown person has braces?” I said having an even bigger frown appear on my face. Louis sighed “Babe, you do realize you look absolutely adorable, nothing will ever change that. Don’t worry about the braces; I personally think you look absolutely flawless,” I smiled at Louis’ compliment. “Thanks Lou” I said smiling really big. “There’s that smile I’ve missed!” Louis said attacking me with tickles.

Harry: I was walking out of my car and into me and Harry’s flat. I had just come back from the orthodontist, unfortunately I just got braces.  I knocked on our flats door and Harry immediately opened. “There she is!” He said pulling me into a tight hug, “Let me see your teeth!” I shook my head ‘no’ and stormed into our room. I sat on our bed looking into the mirror, frowning with the reflection of my teeth. Harry came in and I closed my mouth. He sighed “Babe, what’s wrong?” “What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that I’m a grownup who has braces” Harry sighed; he lifted up my chin and made me look at him in the eyes. “Love, you look beautiful. Braces or no braces, I still love you” I smiled and kissed him. “I like this kiss” He mumbled against my lips as I laughed.

Niall: Niall had just come back from tour and we were currently out at nandos to celebrate him coming back. “So babe,” He began “I know that I just got my braces off and you just got your braces on. I just want to let you know that no matter what I think you look beautiful.”  I smiled lightly at my boyfriend’s kindness. “Come on, that’s not a real smile. Show me one of your signature smiles, babe.” I looked down and said “Niall, I look like a freak. How do you expect me to smile big for you?” Niall took my hand “You look beautiful, and trust me, braces really is not that bad. Plus you are like the barley visible ones. It’s all good” He said while leaning in for a kiss.

Liam: Currently me and Liam are about to attend a costume party together. Liam was obviously going as Batman, and I was going as a nerd. Why, you ask; because I just got braces. I know you usually get them when you’re younger but my family just didn’t have the money then. I ran my tongue across my teeth slightly grinning. These races defiantly made my costume look good. “There’s that smile I’ve been looking for” Liam said leaning against the door frame. I looked down and blushed as Liam came over to me “You look beautiful” He said kissing me.

Zayn: “Babe, I’m back home” Zayn yelled. He came into our room; I was just sitting on the bed curled up into a ball. “Babe? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” He said trying to see if I was okay. “No, I’m not hurt.”

 “Then what?” “ Just my braces. They hurt so much and I can’t do anything about it” I said frowning. 

“Babe, don’t worry about them. If they ever hurt than tell me. I’ll help you feel better” He said making me smile. He kissed me and mumbled against my lips “I love your smile” That made me smile even more.

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