"I am sixteen going on seventeen
I know that I'm naive
Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
And willingly I believe

I am sixteen going on seventeen
Innocent as a rose
Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies
What do I know of those

Totally unprepared am I
To face a world of men
Timid and shy and scared am I
Of things beyond my ken

I need someone older and wiser
Telling me what to do
You are seventeen going on eighteen
I'll depend on you"

As she sang, she stood up on the bench she was sitting on and took the hand offered by Jeremy. Together, they ran along the plaza, Sasha leaping as elegantly as she could manage from bench to bench and Jeremy, running along on the ground beside her. He assisted her on the leaps, adding some background humming to the song. It was so fun she had a heard time stopping her mad giggles.

At the last part, the grand finale, the "I'll Depend On You!" finish, Sasha took a running start, like Liesl had done in the movie and jumped, throwing herself into Jeremy's waiting arms.

In the brief flight period, she wondered if he would catch her? When she saw the look on his face, her doubts cleared up. His emotions were on his face right then, and he was looking at her like she was the greatest thing he'd ever seen.

He caught her, and they spun, laughter clear in their eyes.

"If only it'd rain so this would be perfect." Sasha murmured. They were still standing close together, her head on his chest and their arms wrapped round each other.

"It already is."

Sasha felt like turning to butter when he tilted her chin and looked at her. Her scarf and glasses were off in an instant as he caressed her deformed face in his hands, kneading her cheek with his thumb.
She let out a soft sigh, when he put his hand behind her neck and kissed her, a delicate kiss to suit the delicate moment.

When he finally released her, she only wanted more but he shushed her.

"Shhhh. Sasha. I know you don't like it when people call you beautiful, because you know it's not true. So I won't do that. But let me just say, you're the most beautiful ugly girl I've ever had the fine pleasure of meeting.

His deep voice was like honey to her dry soul and healing salve to her aching wounds. Her heart expanded to a point where she wasn't sure what she was seeing or hearing. No one had ever told something so simple. So plain. Yet so poetic coming from his lips.

Her eyes nearly watered but she held it in and grinned shakily.
The word THANKS tried and fail to come out of her mouth so she tried to convey it with her actions. She reached for him and kissed his lips softly, before wrapping her arms round his neck and pressing herself to him.

Jeremy was as surprised as she was. Where had that come from? It must have been boiling at the back of his mind for sometime now. All of a sudden, he felt guilty about Sylvie. Even if this was a dare relationship, Sasha deserved way more than he could give her. The least he could do was to make this time a period well spent. He would treat her the way a queen ought to be treated.

With a soft sigh, escaping his lips, he hugged her back, tightening his hold on her.

When she had finished the song, something in him burst free. Sound of Music was no child's play for him. He knew most of the songs by heart and could relate the scenes in almost perfect order. It had been his spirit movie as a child and now here was someone who felt at least a bit the same. It was amazing.

She was already his queen. If she asked him to do something, anything, no matter how absurd, he would do it. For her.

The realization scared him. This wasn't what you felt for a friend, was it? Was it?

Could he actually be falling for her?

There! Now it's off my chest! Whew! This may be the last chapter in a while cuz of the boarding school thing but don't despair. I'll be thinking up new ideas for Jesha.
I already have a horrible scenario in mind but I won't do it yet till I can settle for something solid.

So please be absolutely darlings are share this book on social media so that more people can see and enjoy. Pretty please? It'll only take a few minutes of your time 😊.

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