My suggestion the night before that she put off doing more than getting settled in my house and learning her way about Berlin before looking for a job had been met with a mental fireball of red rage that had chased me out of our bed and out onto the balcony of our hotel room. She'd never been able to do that before; I'd stood in the chill air in nothing but my underwear for well over an hour, shivering as Lilly raged back and forth across the room, slowly becoming soaked to the skin from the icy rain and sleet that had been coming down all evening. If I'd had been thinking I'd probably been better off taking shelter in the bathroom until Lilly calmed down but that much violent, crazy rage all of a sudden had scared me into running for the closest door, which unfortunately was the sliding door out onto the balcony. She'd woken Flake, Schneider and Till up, which was impressive as they're the three heaviest sleepers I've ever met, her temper finally burning itself out when Till had hauled himself out of his bed and taken her for a long walk around the hotel. By the time they'd returned, I was in bed,thankfully.

The next morning was not fun. As if having her mad at me, still, I'd had to endure all three of themgriping at me at breakfast this morning. No asking if I was okay, none of that! Flake had been the meanest of them, saying, "Ifyou don't figure out how much hard-won pride and self-worth thatwoman has and soon, I won't feel a bit sorry for you when she eviscerates you with a butter knife. Fuck me sideways Kruspe, I'll help her."

"I didn't do anything, Flake!"I'd yelled, flinging my napkin across the table at him. "All I said was that I thought she needed some time to get used to living in Germany before anything else! And that I'd like her out with us so I could show her all the places she's wanted to see but never got the chance to on her own! She doesn't have to tag along or anything like that, I'd just like to..."

"And I'm telling you to back off a little before she fries your brain, stupid! You'd better be thankful that all you got out of last night was freezing your toes off and a scolding. That you're not lying on a stretcher while we're trying to explain to an emergency room doctor why you're having uncontrollable seizures and aren't an epileptic or on drugs. Haven't you noticed that Lilly's getting stronger when it comes to her empathic skills? You weren't there the afternoon my tech was having an argument with a girl from Catering and Lilly gave him a splitting headache!" Flake growled back. "I saw her do it too. She was really upset afterwards, and if Ollie hadn't been there to help me get her under control, I don't want to think what she could have done! It made her physically sick. Richard, it was the scariest thing I've seen in awhile. Another second of pressing on his brain and she'd have killed him."

At that little bombshell, I sat back in my seat, feeling all my color draining into my feet and a cold wave of fright wrapping around me. I'd had hints that Lilly was getting stronger empathically but not that strong. The thought that my sweetheart was growing more powerful and perhaps losing control of her talent made me close my eyes against the wave of nausea that hit me like a board to the back of my head. I felt Flake press his fingertips against my wrist; the nausea faded into nothing but I was still freezing.

::It's okay Reesh, deep breaths:: he said gently. ::Lilly wouldn't hurt any of us for the world, especially you. Let one of us talk to her, okay?Just ease up on her for awhile::

::I'll try:: I said,opening my eyes and fumbling around till I grabbed up the cup of green tea with ginger that Schneider had been drinking earlier. I drained the last of it, my teeth rattling against the porcelain cup,forcing my hands to not tremble. Not because I was trying to be all manly and such, but because I'd seen a small gaggle of fans out of the corner of my eye heading across the hotel lobby and in the direction of the restaurant. With a deep sigh, I turned to Flake and said, "Put on your prettiest smile, my dear Doktor. Fangirls at twelve o'clock."

Unanswered Prayers-Book 6 Of The Mad Mad World SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now