First Impressions

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A/N:  I know, I know. How cliché to start with an author's note. Well its an important one! The first couple chapters of this are going to be development of the relationship between you (reader) and the characters. After that I will open suggestions to all of you so you can suggest your favorite moments that would happen in a relationship.

Also I'd like to thank AoKuroh for the idea of the first chapter and for the encouragement to write this. So thanks, AoKuroh.

One more notice: I haven't read the manga, only watched the anime so things might change a bit in April when the anime starts up again but I'll give you a notice when or if that happens.

Now with that out of the way, let's get started!


Midoriya Izuku (sorry, he's reeealy OOC):

     You sat on a swing, gently swaying your feet back and forth, not trying to pick up speed or height, but not trying to stop it either. You hummed a quiet tune as you breathed in the smell of a summer afternoon.

     All of a sudden, the chains of you swing were grabbed, ceasing the slow movements of your swing.

     "Well well well, look what we have here girls. Its the quirkless screw-up. Now isn't that interesting?" You turned your head at the sound of the all too familiar voice. Behind you stood a girl wearing about 5,000 dollars worth of designer clothing with her perfectly manicured hands wrapped around the chains of your swing. Her fiery, curled locks swayed gently in the breeze that seemed a lot less sweet and gentle now. Behind her stood two girls each wearing a copy cat outfit of the red-head (although you could tell theirs were no where near as expensive and classy). The two girls behind her laughed before one with short black straight hair spoke up in a snarky tone.

     "But why, Lori, is that so interesting?" She had practically dumped a bucket of rhetorical tone on that sentence, as it was too clear that she knew what was about to happen.

     "Well, Leighton, " she looked at the long blonde one that had proved silent thus far, "Farrah, " she cocked her head towards the one with the black hair and bad attitude, " isn't it obvious? I believe that is my swing. We're going to have to do something about this, now aren't we?" She finished with a devilish grin and malice in her eyes. You shuddered and jumped off the swing.

     "P-please. I don't w-want any tr-trouble. I'll leave, j-just don't hurt m-me!" You replied frantically, all the while backing away. She grabbed you by the hair and shoved you down on the ground. Farrah and Leighton walked over to help Lori form a triangle around you.

     "Oh, leaving so soon? You only just go here though!" Lori giggled with enmity lacing her voice. You were on the verge of tears.

     "Hey! Stop it!" A boy with curly black hair and freckles hurriedly ran over. He nudged Lori away and reached a hand out to you. You hesitantly accepted and pulled yourself up with his help. "That's not cool. Just move along and mind your own business instead of bothering other people." Lori scoffed with a "whatever" and sashayed away with Farrah and Leighton following suit.

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