Worth It?

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"Hey Walker, look at this!" Walker walk over to the couch were Brian is sitting waiting on the cab. Looking over his shoulder he sees a picture on Instagram, another fan edit. I sigh and look at Brian, "Why are they so persistent?" Joe asks him. He shrugs. Joe moves to sit beside him. "I need to tell you something. No one knows." Brian turns to look at him, 'I love you too'  Brian thinks to himself. "I'm gonna propose to Traci tonight!" He says quietly since she's in the next room finishing her makeup. Brian fakes a happy smile. "That's awesome, I'm happy for you guys. Why are you telling me?" He asks looking away. "Because you're my best friend, I can't imagine telling anyone else." Brian nods and gets up, Joe stops him. "What's wrong? Do you think it's the wrong time?" Brian takes a deep breath before facing him. "No, I don't want you to propose because I love you." He says looking at the guy in front of him, the person who has had his heart for years. "I.." Joe starts, "I know, you don't" Brian walks off right as Traci walks in, "Hey babe." She kisses him softly, "Cab's almost here. Lauren just asked us to get some pizza on the way." She grabs her purse and walks out the front door as the cab pulls up, almost like magic. Brian walks out to the front door, "Rosenthal." Walker says, Brian turns to see him put the ring box in a vase. "We'll talk later." He walks out to the cab leaving Brian standing in the doorway confused. He jumped in the front of the cab and looked back. Though he may have no shot with him, at least everything is in the open. But will it have been worth it?

A/N: I was asked to write RosenWalker but I just couldn't break Traci and Walker up so I did a BFF story

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