Chapter 1

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I shut off my alarm and lay back to take in the faint glow from the early morning sky. Seattle's chilly December mornings often brought the light dusting of snow that lined the landscape outside my window. So this is my life now, huh, I thought to myself, finally sitting up. The first semester of our senior year is almost over and I wouldn't want to have my first late; especially since it would tarnish my perfect attendance record.

I glance over at the vacant bed beside me, the sheets neatly folded and the pillows arranged perfectly. Carrie had already risen to prepare for her surely busy day ahead. After washing up and getting dressed, I swing my backpack over my shoulder and head downstairs to the kitchen.

"Mm, what's that smell?" I seat myself at the counter as Lyon pulls a tray out of the oven. "Muffins. Sophia's out so she'll be gone for a while. Want one?" Lyon asks, lazily pointing to the steaming tray. "Sure." I take a bite out of a warm muffin. "It's good... Can I get a ride to school?" Lyon looks at me and laughs. "Sure whatever, we'll leave in about 5 minutes." I take another bite of my muffin.

I get into the car and notice that we're running slightly late. Sebastian and Taliyah hop in. Lyon finally starts the car and we leave to school.

"Hey! Just because we're Zodiacs doesn't mean we can go late to school. People are gonna think something's up." I glare at Sebastian and Taliyah.

"People are already going to think something's up if we have perfect attendance," Sebastian shot back. Tayliah laughs and takes out her Snickers bar and passes it to Sebastian. "Chill out Seb. You're not you when you're hungry." We all snicker and Lyon drives off amused by our little argument.

Tayliah and I walk to our first class, English. "See? Nobody else is here," Tayliah tells me obviously. I roll my eyes at her and we take our seats at the back of the class waiting for our other friends to join us. Peter kisses Catherine goodbye at the door then heads off for Spanish. Catherine spots us and waves hello. She walks over and sits beside me and pulls out her notebook and her copy of Romeo and Juliet.

"So, Cat. How's life living with Peter now? I really miss you living at the house " I ask.

"Awe I miss you too but it was time to move out. We wanted to take the next step in our relationship", she explains.

I sigh and rest my hand on my face. Lilly walks in taking her seat near us followed by Scott. Finally Mrs.Cumberpatch enters the room and begins her lesson.

English class went by quick and it was now Math class. I see Carrie sitting at the front, reading her book. I take a seat next to her and she puts her book down to tell me about her meeting with the Decoration Committee. Soon Sebastian and Lyon walk in taking the seats behind us.

"Lyon are you coming to practice on Wednesday?" Sebastian asks while he scribbles in his notebook. "Obviously. I'm the Team Captain." Mr.Richards calms the class down and start our If work. However, the boys behind us were talking the entire class and we got no work done. So, I'll have to finish my work at home now.

The bell finally rings and lunch is in session. The first two classes went by quick thankfully because I'm starving. I head over the cafeteria and buy myself a slice of pizza and a coke.
"Valerie over here," I hear someone yell and I'm guessing it's Lilly. I walk over and set down my tray on the table.

"So, how's school so far?" I ask everyone to try to make conversation.

"Are you seriously asking that," answers Cat.

"Alright... Alright...My mistake," I giggle and eat my pizza.

I talked with my friends about joining more clubs and being more involved in school and Carrie was the only one who agreed. The guys finally walk in the cafeteria and every human girl swoons over them. Sebastian and Lyon start flirting with some of them. They finally make their way to our table. Sebastian takes a seat beside Taliyah and Lyon squeezes between me and Lilly. I roll my eyes and finish my pizza.

Lunch ended fast and I was off to my next class, Photography. So far, it's been my favourite class as I can use this form of art to show my love of the night sky. I have over a hundred pictures of the stars in my room to remind me of home. Mr.James introduces our newest assignment and everyone has already chosen their partners leaving me the odd woman out. Nevertheless, I start planning and time passes quick.

I leave for Chemistry where we continue our last lesson. Taliyah and I take notes from the class and leave.

The last bell rings and Lyon drives us home.

Not wasting anytime since I want to get a head start on work. I open the door and head upstairs to start reviewing for Chemistry and plan out my Photography project. It's nice that school keeps me busy because I don't really have anything else to do. I get hungry and head downstairs for something to eat.

It's about 9:30 and the sky is incredibly dark and the stars are just coming out. "It's that late already wow. How long have I been working?" I grab an apple and see Sophia working in the garden so I head outside to check on her.

"Hey Sophia! The garden is looking better then before you're doing a really good job with it" I compliment her.

"Thanks Valerie. Hey, have a glance at the garden. I'm going to head inside I'm pretty hungry myself," she laughs.

I take a look around at the garden and she really did do an amazing job. She's always out here and now I know why. I lay down on the grass and look at the stars. I really miss being up there. I lost track of time staring at the stars and something unusual happened, the stars forming a constellation fell apart. "It's probably just a shooting star but I should make a wish... nevermind that's silly... that's just what silly humans do..." I laugh to myself.

"Hey Valerie dinners ready if you want it" Sophia asks.

"I'm not that hungry. I'm just going to head to bed I'm really tired" I tell her. I fake a yawn to make it even more believable. She nods and I head to my room. I lie face first on my bed and drifted off to sleep.


    I'm standing in the throne room. Why am I here? I don't remember the Queen asking me to see her... I look straight and I see a man standing in front of the throne taking the Zodiac stones.

Why is he taking those he should know that without those we can't be here. Who is he? He looks familiar. He turns and faces my way. The Zodiac King. The former lover of the Zodiac Queen and ruler of the universe. But evil took over him and all he wanted was power to rule the whole universe.

"Father don't leave please!" A voice behind me screamed. I turn around and see a young boy. Who is he? Lyon?
"Daddy who is he?" The boy beside the Zodiac King asks about the boy resembling Lyon.

Dad? The Zodiac King has another son?

The Zodiac King sees me and grins.It gives me an unsettling feeling.

"Father please st-"


The alarm again.

The Zodiacs Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora