What the hell James (rewrite)

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything

9-year-old Lily Luna Potter was playing with an 11-year-old Rose Weasley and Albus Severus Potter. Albus and Lily's oldest brother at the age 13 James Sirius Potter was upstairs with George, Fred, and Roxanne Weasley both the same age as James they were cousins, they were in James dads study which they weren't supposed to be. Teddy Remus Lupin was with Victoria Weasley his girlfriend Teddy was 20 and Victoria was 18 just graduating Hogwarts. Rowan and Helena longbottem both twelve were playing chess off in the corner when all the sudden James, Fred jr., Roxanne, and George Jr. came into the room bickering.

"Its three against one Roxy we should use it," said Fred

"No, we shouldn't! I hear by step out of the marauder's group and leave it to James, George, and Fred to find another member. There now I'm no longer a marauder."

The boys looked at her like she was crazy! Everyone was watching and an awkward silence crept over the room.

James was the one break the silence saying "WHAT" then all the sudden something slipped from his grasp and was falling to the ground Rose instantly recognized it and yelled "CATCH THAT NECKLACE"

Everyone who understood what was going on raced to do so but no one could reach it fast enough. It shattered and there was a pull and they were gone and wouldn't make it back home for months.

Meanwhile, an order meeting was taking place when BOOM! The order members took out their wands and ran for the kitchen door. The all heard shouting "WHAT THE HELL JAMES" "where are we, Teddy? I'm scared" " I know lily" "get off of me Al" "sorry" they all pointed their Wands at the newcomers than a boy, no man said "This looks like #12 Grimmauld place"

Every order member froze no one new that Grimmauld place was standing still so how does he? Teddy realized that they had Company.

"Oh I'm so sorry..... oh my Merlin no" they were still on the ground so Vic had to Scooch over to get to him she put his head on her shoulder and he burst out crying

"It's ok it's ok" she kept murmuring to him.

Rose caught sight of who was there and she whispered "Uncle Sirius."

Than Vic looked up and saw George with both ears. All the adults looked perplexed at what was happening, eventually, Remus broke the terrible silence.

"who are you?" He said in a dangerous voice Teddy had enough courage to say "Teddy Remus Lupin I'm 20 years old and was in Hufflepuff" there were gasps all over the room.

"Victoria fleur Weasley 18 Ravenclaw" Only gasps From Bill, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Snape, McGonagall, and Dumbledore.

"Rowan Luna Longbottom 12 years old Hufflepuff" the only gasp came from Ginny and she yelled "I knew it Luna and Neville aww" but then looked around and blushed deeply "Helena Alice Longbottom 12 Hufflepuff"

"James Sirius Potter Gryffindor 13" more gasps.

"Al Potter"

"your full name Al and house," said a girl next to James. Al took a deep breath and said "Albus Severus Potter 11 and I'm in Slytherin"


TIME TRAVEL!!! (Rewriting)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum