An Unexpected 'Camp'

Start from the beginning

Nagisa didn't really know what to say he hadn't actually thought about it too much he paused before replying, "...I guess I feel taller." Kayano giggled and stuck out her tongue, "I bet that's new to you."

Nagisa pouted and glared playfully, "That's. Not. Funny... Anyway, it's not like you can talk, you're shorter than me!"

The rest of the people in the group started laughing as well. "It's funny seeing your usual expressions on Karma's face," Maehara explained. "It's kinda... refreshing." Nagisa crossed his arms and looked away from the group, resulting in them laughing more.

A little while passed and Nagisa and the group had gone back to chatting, "Has anyone seen where Karma went? He's not here anymore."

"I saw him leave a quite a while ago with Nakamura." Okuda said looking over to the door.

Nagisa's /Karma's face paled.

"That can't be good," Kanzaki said shaking her head.

"Should we go find them?" Sugino asked.

"No, they could be anywhere, it's better to stay here with everyone else and wait." Concluded Kayano.

Nagisa hesitantly nodded just as Nakamura walked in. He waved to her to come over. "Hm? What's up?"

"Where's Karma?" Nakamura just gave him an evil smirk which made Nagisa feel sick. "He's doing something. He'll be back a bit later."

Nagisa facepalmed, "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

Nakamura giggled and sat down with the rest of the group, "So? What's everyone discussing?"

Sugino looked over to her, "We were just talking about how strange it is that Nagisa and Karma don't seem too alarmed over this situation." Nagisa hadn't been interested in the conversation before but he was listening now. "Alarmed? Uhm... I guess that's because nothing bad has really happened since we switched, like we haven't gotten hurt or anything."

"But aren't you worried that you might not be able to switch back!?" Kayano exclaimed.

Nagisa frowned, "I never even thought of that possibility, I don't think that we will be stuck like this for long. I believe Koro Sensei will find out how to switch us back in no time."

Kanzaki smiled, "You have a lot of faith in Koro Sensei."

Kayano suddenly stands up, "Okay, I think it's time that we do something fun!"

Sugino deadpans, "Like?"

"A game! We should all play a game to pass the time." Kayano opens the bag on her desk, she moves her stash of lollies and sweets away to reveal a whole lot of games. She pulls one out getting the attention of the class along with quite a few groans. "Twister!"

10 minutes later Kanzaki, Nagisa, Sugino and Okuda were struggling to stay up. Okuda had quite a few arms and legs going over her own limbs threatening to pull her down and loose the game but she was fighting back. Kanzaki was probably in the best situation since she had chosen to start off on the further side from everyone else so she didn't have anyone pulling her down. Sugino and Nagisa were equalling losing at the game as they had several limbs crosses over each other and they had to stretch to reach most of the coloured dots. The game continued and when Okuda fell so did Sugino and Nagisa as they had been leaning on her, making Kanzaki the winner.

Nakamura had been the one flicking the arrow telling them which dots to move to and she had been laughing at them the entire time, Kayano had been with her and they were having the most fun all afternoon.

Nagisa and Sugino crawled out of the heap of them that had fallen and as the game had finished Karma walked in, but he wasn't dressed as he had been before. Nagisa nearly fell over then and there.

Karma as Nagisa walked in wearing a red dress with dark blue floral designs; it had thin straps and white lace at the bottom. His hair was the same pig-tails but they now had deep red ribbons hanging from either side. Nagisa as Karma froze his whole face suddenly reddened and matched his hair at the moment. Nagisa looked at him, 'I'm going to kill you Karma.'

"KARMA!" Nagisa yelled at Karma and got up to go over to him but Nakamura stopped him.

The guys whistled and took out their phones to capture the rare moment Karma cross-dressing as Nagisa. Karma started posing for the photos making everyone laugh louder.

When Nakamura saw the look on Nagisa as Karma's face she burst out laughing, taking photos of Karma's now face all red and embarrassed, which was a pretty rare sight that only Koro Sensei had been before.

Karma as Nagisa had been smirking until he saw Nakamura taking pictures of his real face all red due to Nagisa blushing, Karma hurried over to where Nagisa and Nakamura were and tried to grab Nakamura's phone out her hands to delete the photos. But failed then resulting in him chasing her around the class.

Meanwhile, poor Nagisa had passed out from everything and lay on the ground his face still red.


So, in the end, Karma's plan backfired. I love anime characters cross-dressing, Nagisa's expressions and Karma's embarrassed face, so I put them together in one chapter.

Thanks for reading.

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now