" What with the stutters, Remus? Something bothering you? " I asked

" Oh..oh no! Nothing at all! Um I suppose we'll meet later, yeah? " he said blushing a little

" Yeah, I suppose " I smile

We stranded up, give each other a hug and pulled away

" Bye (Y/N)! " Remus yelled

" See you later, cutie! " I yelled back causing him to blush at the word 'cutie', he looked at me frowning and his cheeks are still red, I laugh and waves, he smile then waves back, then he walked outside.

Well, I've never feel so interested in school works like this before, big thank to him. He was so dedicated and focus, I found it actually very attractive... I know, I have said it twice. But could you not?

Remus POV:

I have a weird feeling inside of me whenever I looked at (Y/N), just, couldn't express what it is, but it's not bad at all, I'm actually enjoyed it to be honest.

I walked outside after saying goodbye to (Y/N).....

How great, James, Sirius and Peter are there, just great...

" How long have you been here? " I said letting out a sigh

" Well, long enough to know that you have a girlfriend " Sirius said smirking

" Who's that chick? She's hot by the way " James said, teasing me

" First of all, she's (Y/N) (Y/L/N), second of all, she's not my girlfriend " I said, feeling my cheeks starting to burn as I said her name.

" Well, to me, she doesn't look like your friend " Peter said jokingly making me blushing even more

" Aw, little Moony is in love ❤️ " James said

" Shut it, James " Great, now they are going to tease me all the way to the next class.... but what I care was
(Y/N), I think that I might like her. When she's staring at me, saying that I'm cute, compliment me, saying that I'm smart,.... that's really turning me on. Merlin, I think I love her.

(Y/N) POV:

I was walking to my dormitory, I spotted a group of people in front of the gate, which leads to my dorm. I come closer to see three boys and... Remus!

" Hey! " I said hugging him

" Hi... " he hugged back

" I was dyyyying to see you " I said jokingly but in fact, I really meant it.

" Oh, please! " he said then we started to laugh

" Ahem... " a boy clear his throat

" Could you please stop flirting? " the other boy said, his hair was long to his shoulder

" We are not, Sirius " said Remus

" Yeah, yeah, sure Moony "

Moony? Is that his nickname? Wicked.

" Moony? " I giggles

" What!!?! " he blush

" That's very cute " I said

" Oh, please stop teasing " Remus said

" Naw, I meant it "

His eyes started to widen

" Really? " He sounds excited as I complimented him, I could now imagine him with dog ears with a tail wiggling around now, such a cutie

I looked at him then giggles, he finally calm down then stood straight up, blushing a little. I played with his hair caused it to messed up

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