Veggies Attack

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Not again. Bright colored oddly shaped foods of disgust. Being a kid was easy, if there was room in your diaper, poop a little more, mom was working clean up crew. 

Not all things were a crawl in the park though. There was that dreaded time of the day when the green stuff, or vegetables invaded your personal space. Vegetables were supposed to be good for you, help you grow up to be strong and healthy. How could this be though, they were flat out gross.

Broccoli, so awkward. It was like a miniature tree that looked innocent, but with every crunchy bite danger became closer and closer. Has anyone ever tested this stuff? I heard you could die from it.

Then there were the Pees. There was always so many of them, they took over the entire plate leaving room for no one. How selfish right? How could anything that selfish be positive? Ew

Here I sat at another dinner, another battle with my enemies. What was mom going to serve up this time...pees...please anything but the pees.

The plate was set in front of me and there they were. Tiny thin orange stick like things. 

What was this...

It was Carrot


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2014 ⏰

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