18-The Plan

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Calum's POV

Ughhh I'm so bored. I need a girlfriend......or maybe a dog.........ya a dog would be nice. I sit up in my bed and see that Luke and I are the only ones in the room. He's laying on his bed, probably texting Olivia.....Oh God, she is one hot girl. Luke is so lucky to have her. "Hey Luke, can I ask you something?"

"Ya sure what's up?"

"Um, well.........I was wondering if you would help me find a girl? Maybe?"

"Ya no problem. You need some fun in your life. We can find you someone, don't worry."

"Thanks Luke!! You guys are always there for me."

"Yup. No problem man. Be ready at 5. Ok?" I nod and Luke walks out of the room, leaving me alone.

Luke's POV

I head out of our room with a great idea in my head........WE'RE GOING TO A STRIP CLUB!!!!!! We all need some fun and having the girls with us all the time is not helping, so I decided that we're taking Calum's to a strip club and get his some action. We can get the girls to go out together like shopping or something and then we can go without them knowing cuz God knows what Olivia would do if she found out that I went to a strip club. I get into Harry, Liam, and Niall's room where everyone else is and all heads turn towards me.

"Hey guys. You know what I think you girls should do today? You should go to the mall, bond a little, have fun shopping."

"As great of an idea as that is babe, I have to head to work now. Sorry guys. Girls you can go without me." Olivia steps forward and gives me a quick peck on the lips before heading out the door.

"Well I think that that is a great idea. How bout you girls?" Brooke asks looking at the other girls. She gets several replies, mainly yeses and hell yas, but Abbie reacts differently.

"Really? The mall? Can't we like go to the movies or something else? I hate shopping."

"We will do whatever you want if you go shopping first. How's that?"

"Fine. I guess I'll go."

"Yay!! Let's go get ready girls." Before they can all leave, Liam speaks up.

"Do you guys want me to call Dani and see if she'll go?"

"That would be awesome Liam. Thanks." The girls leave, Abbie trailing behind a little. I have the feeling that she really doesn't like shopping.

"Ok. I needed them out so I could talk to you guys. Calum is really sad without a girlfriend and he asked my to help him to find one, so I was wondering if you guys would help?" I'm answered with oks and sures and then I explain what I was thinking. "We should go to a strip club and try to get him some action. We can hang out and have a few drinks, not actually take part in the activities, but I still want all if you to go. Are you in?" Everyone nods and go to head to our separate room but I stop everyone. "Be ready by 5."


Hey I know it's short, but I wanted to get something out. I promise that the next one will be longer....and more interesting!!! Byeeeeeee


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