Micky Dolenz

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~Wanting to be, to hear and to see - Crying to the sky~

George Michael Dolenz (Better known as 'Micky') had a very nice childhood... for at least part of the time. When Micky reflected back he could only smile about his early years. For a good while he was just an average, playful young boy - he'd go on adventures every day, which usually involved getting into things he shouldn't have and having to listen to his parents' lectures at least once every other day. In no time he learned these lectures by heart, as did his sister, Coco. Unlike most girls their age, she loved getting into the same things Micky did. Rather than dolls and tea parties she would rather help Adventurer Micky in his quest to defeat the dreaded, evil Bully from across the street and get the Golden Baseball back from the Monster's lair. Then when the quest was triumphant she would duel him to a game of one-on-one baseball.

When he wasn't getting into trouble or exploring, Micky also learned to play guitar. He loved the idea of making cool sounds with such a simple item as a guitar. Music was always a fun alternative for him when he couldn't go do stuff. What was even more fun then guitar, though, was drums. He never let go of the guitar but drums was where it was at. They complimented his energy and that was something that would never go away.

Micky's mother was always a loving, stay-at-home woman and was always there for them if her kids got into any sort of trouble and his father was a strong man who supported his family and made sure everybody followed the rules. Another family member was their little cat name Fusker - a black and white little trouble-making rascal. To Micky and Coco's eyes, little Fusker would usually be the dreaded monster, guarding the magical baseball glove and at other times the feline was their trusty wingless dragon, aiding in their fights.

However, one day marked the slow end of Micky's childhood... it was the day little Micky found out that his Daddy had to go to war. Of course, this was horrible news, and the day his father left was filled with many tears and kisses and prayers for a safe return... but at first not much changed. Coco and Micky would still battle the mean Bully who was across the street and would still blame the mischievous Fusker if they broke something. They still would sneak fresh baked cookies while they were still hot and stayed up late at night past their bedtimes... but soon, things started to change.

Micky had no idea why some weird guy came to live in his house about a year after his dad left. He wasn't told that his Mommy and Daddy got into a fight. All he was told was that 'Your dad is being mean and I need someone to help around the house.' That immediately raised red flags in the young boy's mind... somehow he knew this wasn't the full truth but he couldn't figure out what the truth was. He could tell this guy, Hank, wasn't someone to trust... something was wrong about him. After privately consulting Coco, he found that she felt the same but there was nothing they could do. Something was bad on the horizon - both kids could feel it but there was nothing they could do about it.

Sure enough their lack of trust was well warranted. They didn't know it at the time but Hank was a vulture - he had seen that Micky's mom was weak with the pain of her loved one being away with the prospect of never returning. Like most vultures he was great at sweet-talking, getting her to trust him and feel like she needed him to help out with the family but then by the time it was clear he was toxic, it was too late and too dangerous to pull away.

Within the first year of Hank coming into the family there were a number of drastic changes. For one, his mom had another kid. It was their dad's kid, of course... she only showed her pregnancy after their dad was shipped away, but it was certainly their dads. It was a baby sister and though Micky was fine with the new addition, it was weird... For years it was only Micky and Coco and now on top of their dad having to go away a new baby joined them? It was weird. On top of this Micky's mom had to work double, and soon after triple, to support the family. Three children wasn't easy to take care of and Hank refused to help out once he managed to dig his claws into the unsuspecting family. He spent a lot of money and didn't list a finger to make any. It was another stark contrast to usually having a stay at home mom and only one sibling with a dad who worked.

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