Quick Author's Note

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I'd just like to point out that this story has been a very long haul. I've worked on it, rewritten it, and reworked it many times since I first wrote it in 2009. I've had it up and down another fanfic site and though the reviews there loved it, it didn't get very many views. I hope to achieve a larger audience so I'm once again rewriting it and cross-posting it in multiple platforms. I need to try to fit in writing in with a pretty hectic schedule, so please feel free to interact however the site you're reading this on allows - knowing someone is waiting for me to pushes me to not be lazy.

This is the past I imagine for the boys. It's the past of them in any story I write, show I watch or fiction I read that doesn't have it already specified. Though there may be and probably is some inspiration from other ideas I've seen throughout my entire life, this is my own and I've been developing it since I was a young child. Do not steal or copy this story. Of course if you wish to use this version of their pasts in your own story or as heavy inspiration contact me and let me know first. I'll likely give you permission as long as you give me credit for being your base inspiration.

Notes on the story itself: Keep in mind the characters may seem much more serious or dark then in the show. This is to be expected when writing any serious story from a show that was aimed for a younger audience. This isn't to say they're out of character, just that Peter is not the dummy he was depicted as on the show. I've tried to address any basic parts of the Monkees lives, especially if I ever somewhat wondered why something was the way it was on the show. If there is something from the MonkeeVerse you think I should have covered, however, let me know. If I can add a chapter, I will, though more likely it may be introduced in the sequel story which picks up immediately after this stories epilogue.

Warnings: Normally I give warnings for what each chapter contains, but this time I'll only give warnings here...The worst warning would be for mentions of abuse. There is also cussing. Please keep that in mind before proceeding, though I did try to keep the story overall an easy PG-13.

Age and time-frame: The story is set around mid '64. This would establish them as a decent enough group around '65 and close friends in '66+. Their ages in this story are:
Mike- 21, Peter-20, Micky- 19, Davy- 18
This doesn't match their real ages but in the TV-verse it lines up pretty accurately.

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