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As I looked in my mirror I realized he had marked me. It was the most beautiful mark I had ever seen. It was wolves with the moon at its full peak. The only thing that confused the two of us was that there were three wolves not two like there should be. The was a white one a black one and a red one.

" umm what does this mean?? why is there three wolves not two like there should be?" I asked him as he looked at me with shock.

" I dont know but there must be someone we can ask that knows something... or atleast help us figure out what is wrong...." he said.

I need help coming up with a name for him I can't think of one....

As we stood there I couldn't help but think that there was something goin on. Now you might wonder what I'm talk about but ever since I got I have had a strange feeling about everybody here. Its like they are planning something against me and and I dint like it at all. Since I found my mate I have been listened to his thought cuz of the mind link and it has confirmed my suspicions. They really are planning something against me. After I found that all I could do was look at him with tears in my eyes.

" what's wrong babe?" my mate asked me.

"as if you don't already know. how long have they been planning to do something against me? are you part of it?" I had so many questions but those were the only ones what I could that I could get out In words.

" they have been planning it since they found out that u were a werewolf and no I wasn't part of it cuz Im a werewolf also and I couldn't do that to you I just couldn't bring myself to hurt you...." he said and i could see that he was telling the truth.

"when are then planning to do it? and what are they going to do??" I asked so I could prepare myself.

What i wasnt expecting was his answer.....

ok so pls let me know what you think i really wanna know what you think  about it good or bad i dont care .... 




more later


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