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Jonghyun awoke from his nap during free period just as everyone was leaving. Being a teenager, he slept in class a LOT and took every opportunity to do so. he stretched and reached toward his head to ruffle his hair. He stopped when he felt pressure on his head, but not his fingertips on his scalp/ He made a grab and heard a slight crumple of paper, then brought his hand down. He found a purple note in his hand, and his eyes widened as he read,

"You look really cute when you sleep ^_~ "

He turned it over, still in shock, but soon relaxed and chuckled.

"Sorry if that sounds kinda stalkerish >~< You are really cute though^^ "

There was no signature, but nonetheless, Jonghyun grinned, heart fluttering at the thought of someone really thinking of him in that way. He gathered his things, still smiling stupidly, folded the note carefully and put it in his pocket. He walked out the door to his next class, head still in the clouds.

The day dragged on, and Jonghyun slept through most of the day, the notes accumulating in his pocket all the time. He was walking home, looking at all the creased paper, his smile never leaving his face.

" *content sigh* So adorable!!^^ ," one read.

"Omo! >w< *heart stops from cuteness* ," said another.

Jonghyun reminisced about them into the night and the next morning.

The next day turned out the same with notes appearing on the top of his head almost every period. This continued for the entire week until Jonghyun finally got the courage to do something about the beautiful sweet nothings.

He entered his first class of the day happy to find a substitute. After a quick worksheet, Jonghyun put his master plan into action. He knew he couldn't feign sleep long enough to see his secret admirer in the middle of their act, so he pulled out his own stack of blue sticky notes and scribbled on one,

"Why do you do this? (not saying I don't like it or anything, I just wanna know... (and keep it up, I love it^^)) " Satisfied with himself, after checking it twenty times, he placed it on his head and fell into a deep sleep.

Jonghyun awoke to the sound of the bell and instantly reached up to his head, on instinct. His note was gone and in its place, a familiar purple one. He didn't look at it just yet because everyone had left, and the next class was already filing in, signaling he was going to be late. Jonghyun ran to his class, settling in just as his name was called for attendance. Jonghyun really had to pay attention in this class, so he couldn't read the note until the teacher said that they had the period to themselves. He hastily reached in his pocket and opened the folded paper.

" Well, you're really cute (as I have said a lot ^w^) and I guess I really like you >////< *dies* "

Jonghyun giggled at the super adorable response and got his sticky notes out for the second time that day. He wrote, " *revives* Thank you ^////^ ." He hesitated before writing, "Wanna meet up? I would love to see the person who's being so nice to me ^^ "Jonghyun took a deep breath and situated the blue paper on his head, and resting his arms on his forehead, fell asleep once more.

Jonghyun awoke five minutes before the period had ended and felt the top of his head. His paper was gone, and all he felt was his own hair. He frowned and packed his stuff up, mentally slapping himself for coming on so strong. Jonghyun fell asleep in every class and got no response all day. He tossed and turned in his bed during the night, wondering what he did wrong.

Jonghyun woke up the next day, groggy and in a somewhat cranky mood. He readied himself, walked out the door, and trudged all the way to his first class of the day. He entered the classroom and flopped down on his seat, only to find a thin pink envelope placed in the center of his desk. It was addressed to none other than himself from," A Special Someone ". He snatched it off the desk and opened it ever so carefully. He lifted the small letter and unfolded it revealing some beautiful cursive. He smiled, reading,

"Dear Jonghyun,

First of all, I wanted to say I'm sorry for not saying anything all day >~< I got caught off guard when you asked to meet up, so I needed to think about it because... Well, I'm a boy, and I don't really know how you would feel about that... Nonetheless, I do want to meet up, but if you don't want to anymore, I am totally fine with that. I really do like you... I won't deny that, so if you do still want to see me, leave a note on your (adorable!!) head.


Even after finally knowing the gender of his secret admirer, Jonghyun still seriously wanted to meet "Key." He himself was bi-sexual, he just hadn't come out yet, so he understood Key's fear of rejection. Jonghyun pulled out his blue notes and quickly wrote, " Of course I do!!! Meet me after school by the gate ^^" He plopped it on his head and was almost too happy to sleep.

After a nap of about 10 minutes, and class about 5 minutes from being finished, Jonghyun woke up and already found a new note on his head, "See you there! ^^;;" He received no more notes the rest of the day, but he knew that Key was nervous, so he didn't mind. At the sound of the bell, Jonghyun leaped out of his seat with everything packed up and ready to go. He ran all the way to the front gate and watched as everyone else trickled out.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and he whirled around to see the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. The boy stood a few inches taller than himself, but Jonghyun didn't mind. His fox-like face, perfect body and plush, kissable, bow shaped lips definitely made up for it.

"Are you Key?," Jonghyun asked, breathless.

"Y-yeah... That's not my real name, though...," the perfect boy said to the ground, a scarlet, nervous blush evident across his cheeks.

"What is your name, then?" Jonghyun asked for he was curious.

"Ki-kibum... Kim Kibum...," he answered, eyes still glued to the concrete.

"Well, hi there, Kibum!" Jonghyun said with a wide grin. "You call me cute, but you should look at yourself! You are adorable!" Kibum looked up, shocked, his blush turning fives shades darker as he looked into Jonghyun's bright, puppy-like eyes. He stayed silent but shook his head.

"Y-you are very cute, though...," Kibum stuttered after a minute of silence.

"So you have said," Jonghyun stated smile still on his face.

"True, true," Kibum said a smile peeking through on his red face that made Jonghyun just melt.

The older spontaneously hugged the other, causing the taller of the two to stiffen like a board.

"Thank you for all the little notes you gave me. They made my entire day," Jonghyun cooed into Key's shoulder, who had just started to relax and wrap his arms around Jonghyun.

"No, th-thank you for just being there you adorable little thing!" Kibum said.

"Yah! I'm not that short!"

"Okay fine, but you still are a cute puppysaur."

"I agree fully," Jonghyun said, pulling away. Kibum's blush had gone away almost entirely, meaning that he was getting comfortable with Jonghyun.

"So... Now what?" Jonghyun asked.

"I know a little cafe with great coffee and sweets...," Kibum trailed off, mentally slapping himself for saying anything. Jonghyun smirked and asked,

"Are you asking me out on a date?" The blush returned as Kibum answered,

"Um... I guess so... Only if you want to..."

Jonghyun took Kibum's hand in his, laced their fingers together, and pulled the younger close. "Of course I do," He whispered into Kibum's ear, sending shivers down said boy's spine.

Then, Jonghyun passed the gate at a brisk pace, pulling a dazed Kibum behind him. He pointed a finger from his free hand, and shouted,



A/N: Thank you to everyone for reading!! *bows*

I really hope you liked it! ^^ 

Please comment and tell me what you thought /.\

*hugs tight* Until next time! *waves*

Sleepyhead - Jongkey (Jonghyun X Key)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt