Chapter 7

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">next one for ye all. im uploading a few today becaue im moving to my new school on monday so i probably wont have time to upload. enjoy! </pre>

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">Sky's P.O.V: </pre>

<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">


<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">Monday morning came way to fast and getting jade out of bed isn't exactly the easiest task in the world. Walking into the bathroom I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Walking back to the bed I called her sweetly, this is going to be fun. "jade, wakie wakie" I sang trying to hold back a laugh. She mumbled something profuse and rolled over "alrighty, if that's the way you want it" I said with a shrug, pouring a small drop of water on her face. "I'm up! I'm up!" she shouted springing up when the cold water hit her face. Taking that as my Cue to leave I jumped up and raced as fast as I could out the door and down the stairs. "come on lazy ass" I shouted from the safety of the hall. "your gonna be late for school" I turned on my heel laughing and went to make breakfast, knowing by the time she'd gotten up and ready she wouldn't have time to get breakfast. After pouring out cereal and making toast for both of us. I was just putting our toast on the table when I heard her stomping down the stairs, her father shot me a 'thank god I'm not you look' from behind his newspaper. When she walked in she walked right up to me, looking me straight in the eye then punched me straight in the arm. "dude!" she shouted. "seriously, water!" then stalked off towards the table looking pleased with herself. I heard her dad chuckle behind the newspaper, I growled at him threatening to take his alpha position which made him laugh louder, he knew I wouldn't challenge him yet because I wasn't at my full strength yet. That would all change soon though, I plan on sweeping jade off her feet whether her father likes it or not. Pulling in at school I immediately noticed something was different, there was a new student and there was something different about them -I couldn't place what but it wasn't right. I guess I'll find out soon enough. Placing my hands in my Jean pockets I strolled in to my first class knowing nobody would say anything to me if I was late. The first 2 classes were super slow but they always are when jade isn't with me. After what felt like forever the bell rang and I literally flew out the door my wolf going crazy with excitement at seeing jade again even though I'd only seen her like an hour earlier. Walking across the hall toward English class when I got that unusual smell I'd gotten earlier. Listening to my evermore impatient inner wolf I ignored the new smell and continued to English class. I could feel my heart lift when I arrived in class and saw her sitting at the back doodling as usual. Taking my seat beside her she looked up and smiled then went back to her drawing of mr.E being eaten by crocodiles. I stifled a laugh at her comical hatred of poor mr.E which got me a few looks from the other people in the class to which I growled lowly making them all turn around immediately. Halfway through class a knock came from the door to which mr.E gave permission to enter and in stepped a girl I'd never seen before. Looking at her she seemed to be the cheer leader type, cropped shirt buttoned down so low it was borderline illegal showing off a black bra and a black micro-mini with tiny black heels underneath. She had huge green eyes and masses of long hair down to her butt, she was the source of the smell and I instantly knew she was a wolf. She handed mr.E a note then took the only free seat in front of me, her scent completely overwhelming my senses and jades too by the way she wrinkled her nose. After that we were handed out a work sheet to fill out and left to our own devices. She almost immediately turned around and smiled at me, "hey, I'm Claire" she purred biting on the top of her pen trying to look flirty. "skyler" I mumbled back, not really interested in her 'type'. "um, I was wondering if you could help me with the sheet, I'm really lost" she almost whispered touching my arm. "or maybe we could have a study night, at my place say..tonight?" I groaned internally, wow desperate! I heard jade laugh so I punched her arm. "ow!" she sat up sending me daggers. "ohh, hi" Claire sneered, looking at jade with a fake smile plastered across her orange foundation covered lips. "hey, I'm jade" she smiled not seeming to notice claire's disinterest. "so, can you come?" she asked me again batting her eyelids seductively at me making jade laugh harder. Rolling my eyes I declined deciding to have a bit of fun with both of them. "aww sorry I can't, I've a date with my girl here. That right babe?" I asked jade leaning my chin on her neck lightly making her growl playfully. Looking disgusted Claire turned back in her seat with a "humph" both of us burst out laughing and I whispered a thank you in jades ear. Just then the bell rang, both jade and I jumping up and racing to the cafeteria. Once we had our food we went outside to lie in the sun. "you never answered my question in English" I said smirking. "what question?" jade muttered half asleep from the sun. "the date I told you about, would you go with me?" I realised an eyebrow trying to look my confident than I felt. She sat up looking at me like I'd gone mad then smiled. "yeah, I'd like that very much" she added as an afterthought with a twinkle in his eye. "great!" I laughed, hardly able to contain my excitement "I'll pick you up at 7:30 this Friday. "you live with me douche bag" she giggled blushing slightly. "yeah, well I'm gonna drive around the block just so I can pick you up" I stated making her giggle even more. Ohh yeah! I'm gonna pull out all the stops for our date, I really can't wait! </pre>

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