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You learned that life wasn't suppose to be so horrid but that's exactly what it is. The future had changed for the worst, according to Rufus, your leader. He told the group, known as The Renegades, that life in San Dimas used to be exemplary. 

However, he told you about the alleged "Great Ones" - Bill S. Preston Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan. Apparently, these rocker teenagers in the year of 1988 at San Dimas were to change the world with their superb music. Five years later, in 1993, they would compete in The Battle of The Bands and would gain fame and glory. Their music would better the world and bring peace to such an extreme extent that it would even stop wars. 

But it never happened because Bill & Ted's evil robotic clones managed to eradicate them. Apparently, the dictator - Chuck De Nomolos managed to steal a time-traveling  phone booth and sent the evil robotic versions of the Great Ones on a mission. Considering how much the future sucks, you figured they completed it.

Rufus was meant to stop De Nomolos but was lost in the circuits of time. When he managed to find San Dimas in the year of 2693, the future had went from a utopian society to a despotism society. 

But for you, this was a reality. The Utopia never happened. But Rufus remembers the world before De Nomolos' dictatorship. Even so, his memories from the past are becoming mixed with this reality. Soon enough, he'll forget about that utopian society based on Bill & Ted. 

Nevertheless, you had a plan. De Nomolos prohibited the use of time-traveling machines after his rule was set in stone. The general public has no access to them. 

But you're not apart of the general public. No, you're a renegade. You, along with Rufus and the rest of your comrades are considered treacherous to De Nomolos's empire. Rufus's bounty alone has more zeros than you'll see in a life time. 

Your parents were also renegades of this society. But who in their sane mind wouldn't be? 

De Nomolos detested freedom of speech, rock n' roll, and individualism. It was illegal to be yourself, to enjoy life. 

Most people are brainwashed to believe that a life without rock n' roll was the life for them. Everyone wore the same plain white uniforms, everywhere looked the same. 

You were fortunate that your parents prevented this lifestyle from affecting you. However, two years ago, they were caught by The Watchers, De Nomolos' military force. As the sole survivor of your family, Rufus took you in. 

The Watchers and De Nomolos might've taken away your family but they haven't taken care of  the biggest threat to this tyrannical empire -- you. 

Despite constantly hiding for most of your life, you managed to become educated. Your father was one of the top scientists for De Nomolos before defecting. De Nomolos might've thought his problems were taken care now that his traitor leading scientist is eradicated but no. 

Luckily for mankind, your father taught you everything he knew. It was a struggle, it was hard to come across materials for learning and even more rare to find textbooks. 

Before your parents died, your father was working on a highly illegal creation. A creation that could change history - a time machine. 

Like finding materials for learning, finding materials for this time machine was incredibly hard. In disguise, you'd help your parents look through landfills to find any useful items such as scrap metals or thrown away technologies. 

It took years to finish this time machine, especially since it isn't a regular time machine. You faced bigger setbacks without your father and mother, who was another scientist along with father, but you managed to finally finished it. 

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