life // book changes

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im sorry for not updating truly but my life has legit been so busyy rn ive been taken extra Japanese classes and omg i feel like dropping it im dyinggghgg (not that anyone cares lol)

one of my ex friends decided to spread a rumour about me too and it's really bad + kinda believable so i am struggling not to punch a bitch in the throat

my phone got a virus so I had to spend  most of the money I've been saving for a laptop to fix it cause my parents weren't gonna fix it because they think that it would be an advantage for me to not have a phone

honestly 2017 is treating me a lot better than 2016 because my sister bought me the laptop as a surprise gift and my friends crushed my ex friends and exposed her terminating the rumour she said about me but im still studying Japanese...

ill be in London for a week for an student exchange on the 15 then ill be in France for another student exchange on the 2 of March. I signed up for all the student exchanges  in my school this year because I want to travel to 5+ countries in 2017

big changes to this book as well... I'll be changing it from random imagines to... a STORY


I decided this because my English teacher told my class to write a short story on whatever you want but it had to be descriptive and I was just thinking REECE REECE REECE BRIAN BRIAN BRIAN ROMANCE ROMANCE ROMANCE so I wrote it and it was 4 pages long it was about this girl and she moves to London to become a fashion designer to follow her dreams then one assignment they have a model in the class and everyone has to draw an outfit for the model and then it's just like a cliché teen fiction after that. lol I came 3 place which actually is how im going to London lol

i will try to update 1 a week at least but just be aware I might not... but I will try

if I'm not updating it's very simple how you can get me to update


no not the meat

just spam the book when ever I get comments I start to realise that people actually read my shit book

like Kylie Jenner once said

like, realising stuff

and... cringe alert... comments and votes motivate me to write. that is the only reason I continued with this book is because people like it. idk how but people like it sooooooooooo that's my motivation lolllll

okay bye I'm gonna write the prologue it will be like 5 lines long oh well


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