“Sure, I’ll show her the way.” Charlotte was honestly one of the sweetest girls I’d ever met; when she smiled she always looked so friendly and innocent.

As Harry and the rest of them drove off Charlotte and I quickly wiped the leaves off the windscreen and followed.


We had been at Harry’s house for the last two hours and surprisingly enough had got through a lot off study. Charlotte and I wrote our English essays in advance and Harry and I worked on our photography assignment discussing what the photo may be of. So far we had a quote but had absolutely no clue what our picture wood be of. We talked about it for ages brainstorming a ton of ideas before deciding we liked none of them. Eventually we just gave up and decided inspiration would hit us somewhere along the line.

Charlotte had been called up by her parents and had to leave to go home early, and after she left slowly everyone else seemed to be leaving. Eventually it was just Harry, Niall and I over at Harry’s and after deciding we’d had enough study we gave ourselves a well deserved break and Niall plopped Perks of Being a Wallflower into the DVD player.

Once the movie was over I was a mess and even Niall had a few dried up tears on his face. I could of sworn I’d seen Harry’s eyes glisten but he refused to admit it had affected him.

“Ah, I better head off; I was supposed to be home over an hour ago. Bye guys!” Niall said as his chirpy character headed out the door.

“Bye Niall!” Harry and I both said as he left the two of us alone in Harry’s large house.

The silence between us was awfully uncomfortable and after a few moments the silence was filled with Harry’s chuckling. The two of us sat there laughing for an awful long time but we were stopped once Harry turned serious, his mysterious serious.

“Don’t you need to be home?”

“Nah, I’ve never had a curfew my parents don’t really care too much. When are your parents getting home?”

Harry’s eyes fell from mine to the floor, and confusion fled through my mind. Was it something I said?

“Never, this place is mine.” My eyes widened in shock and Harry must have noticed as he let out a slight laugh as if he had anticipated my reaction.

“This is actually their house but they’re divorced, Mum is travelling with her new boyfriend at the moment and Dad lives in Virginia with his new family.” I honestly had no idea what to say so I just bit my lip awkwardly. Harry rose from the couch heading off to the large cupboard in his living room.

“Would you like a drink?” This simple question froze my entire body, I hadn’t touched alcohol in a very long time but I had recently been craving just the smallest of drinks. I looked at Harry once more running the question through my mind, could I infact trust my own judgement? Harry was a sweet guy and there could be no harm in having a few drinks with him. So ignoring the small voice in the back of my mind I nodded. As Harry poured the Jim Beam into to glasses I was unsure what I was really doing, as I drank Harry and I talked, we talked and we laughed, and eventually we fell to silence.

It had been a few Hours already since we’d had our first drink but the cup never seemed to have been empty. Harry and I were clearly both very intoxicated. My thoughts were racing and all I really wanted to do was to kiss him.

I knew that I must have looked a complete mess but I didn't care how I looked, in that moment all my attention was focused on him. The way the creases on his face deepened with every jolt of laughter which escaped his mouth. The way his pink lips curled outwards as he giggled and his eyes became mere slits. All I cared about was the feeling that rushed through every inch of me in that moment. The spark which ignited a light inside me spreading a warm sensation throughout my entire being. I wanted time to stop. I wanted to stay in that moment forever, laughing with the most beautiful person I had ever seen and admiring his every detail. I felt like it would never have to end, if only reality could stay away for just a little while, I would find a way to freeze time. Of course, this wasn't the case. The silence fell and his eyes burned holes into my own. As he lifted my body with ease and carried me up the stairs I knew what was to come. My feelings towards this boy were unreal so I made no effort to stop him as he laid me down running his fingers over my skin.

At first his cold touch against my fingers made me shiver, but soon enough the space between us heated up, his body hot against mine, lips passionately pressed up against mine. A faint taste of liqueur residing on his tongue. As our tongues became mere explorers in each other’s cave like mouths a spark was set off which ignited a fire in me wanting more, needing more. As I released myself from his grip, his hands glided from the spot on my back he had been holding to the sides of my waist making me feel safe. As I looked into Harry’s eyes I could see the lust emitting from them, scared because I had that same lustful feeling, yet this was different to my usual lustful intentions. When I looked at Harry I felt connected to him. Harry and I really had no idea who each other were but in these last few hours I had felt closer to him than most people in my entire life. This was the first time I would ever sleep with someone I maybe had feelings for, and I was scared, the last time I had sex it had been forced but I wasn't afraid for that reason. I was afraid that once I did this Harry and I would change and I would ruin something that had barely started.

The moment I was pulled back into his intimate grasp I was snapped from my worried thoughts. As Harry's hand reached to unclasp my bra everything else didn't matter. His large yet soft hands running over and over my bare upper body. I could feel his panting above me as he unbuttoned the clasp on my jeans. The motion of his every move had affected me in every way sending my entire body to do things it never usually be able to do in such an intoxicated state. I could feel his length hardening on me as he ground into me over and over. Having had enough I started to remove his pants, him finishing of my job. Once he was ready, the rubber enclosed around him, he started to thrust, a feeling I had craved since my first meeting with him in the hall yesterday, when I'd noticed his devilish good looks. Neither one of us was aware of the repercussions that would cause. The moment we moaned out in pleasure together, my back arched, fingers running down Harry's long back. Afterwards he just lay on me for a while before pulling me into him.

We lay together that night my body arched perfectly into his, feeling his heart beat against me as I was sent off into a dream of wondrous drunken and highly intoxicated thoughts.

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