The Fire

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Today Jessica, Laurie, and i went to the mall. Jessica’s boyfriend and his friends met us at the food court outside. I couldn't really enjoy the day’s freedom from school, for some reason. Today is Senior Ditch Day. My friends and i have been planning this day since we became best friends our freshmen year.

  The plan was simple, sleep in (of course), meet at the mall, get some chow, then to Sea World. It's a good thing it's a friday. Because of so, we will spend the weekend there, then drive home Sunday.

  After we ate lunch we did a checklist of the requirements, and of course, i would be the one to leave my credit card at home. Mike, Jessica’s boyfriend was on road snack duty, so he needed to go to the store anyways. So we had a meet up place once we both were ready to go.

  Jessica, Laurie, and I were a few blocks from my house, when we had noticed the smoke.

  “Thats a lot of smoke.” Laurie said in amazement.

  “Yeah. It is.” I said canvassing the smoke.

  “Isn't that your neighborhood, Dawn?” Jessica asked me.

  I looked closer at the smoke. The smoke was so thick, i almost didn't see the shoes. I knew right then that it WAS my neighborhood,because of the electrical line that ran over my house, had a pair of black converse, was engrossed with smoke.

  “Hurry, please!” I said in a near shout. Jessica picked up some speed.

  “Please not mine, please not mine.” Over and over i repeated to myself.

  We turned the corner to my street. My eyes searched for my house. When i see it. Still the same old baby blue with a rickety wooden porch. I sigh in relief and even smile a bit. I continued to search for the source of the smoke. It was Bobby and Mary Singer, my neighbors across the street, house was on fire. I felt a pang of sorrow, and hoped Bobby and Mary were alright.

  We pulled into my driveway and I booked it to the front door. When i get inside, I call for my parents. I knew they were home, because both their cars they were in the driveway. I go back outside and made my way to my friends who were talking to a police officer and a fireman. They all looked my direction. That misplaced feeling suddenly resurfaced. I made my way toward them very cautiously.

  “Dawn Morgan?” The officer asked I approached them.

  “Yes,” I said in a near Whisper, “Where are my parents?”

  The fireman removed his helmet as the officer began to speak.

  “Ma’am your parents were with the Singer’s when their house caught fire,” he paused taking a small breath, “I am truly sorry, but they didn't make it out in time.”

  “We believe the fire was started in the attic,” the fireman said holding his helmet to his chest, “it looks like it was caused by exposed wires. We think it was chewed by a squirrel or a mouse, from the looks of it. You have my condolences, ma’am.”

  I nodded as they turned to rejoin the other officers and firemen. All I could do was nod. My knees couldn't hold my weight anymore. I crumbled to the ground, tears rolling down my face. My friends after me, held me, and apologizing. All i could do is think. Not of myself, or the Senior Ditch Day trip, but of how was i going to tell my little sister, mommy and daddy are dead?


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