The Wolf: Revival of The Horned King

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Chapter 1: The Plan

Deep in the marshes of Morva, three witches, Orddu, Orgoch, and Orwen, plot to resurrect the Horned King so that his evil may spread, rule across all worlds, and become a God. The three of them are circled around the black cauldron and Orddu spoke, "Now sisters, it's time we prepare the cauldron for the resurrection of his majesty, the Horned King."

"But how is the cauldron suppose to bring him back when it's power has been stopped?" asks Orwen.

"Thats where we come in. Once we gather the right artifacts from the worlds, we will each transfer half of our power into the Cauldron to re-awaken it. Then we add everything in, perform the ritual, and then he will come back strong enough to take over all worlds and achieve his dream of becoming a God." says Orddu laughing menacingly.

The materials they require are as follows:

The horns of the Horned King.

The magic sword once possessed by Tauren the pig keeper.

The Eye of Magnus from the World of Tamriel.

The blood of the Dark One, Rumplestiltskin.

Materia from the World of the Lightstream.

The Fused shadows from the World of Hyrule.

Eren Yeager's Titan meat from the World ruled by the giant humanoid creatures known as Titans.

They already acquired the magic sword from Tauren a long time ago when he was trying to stop the Horned King. They also acquired the horns by hunting down Creeper, the Horned King's former follower, tortured him into giving them the horns, and then they killed him. As they prepared to cross realms a mysterious hooded stranger appeared before them. He was 6ft tall and his body was shrouded in a hooded blue cloak. Though he was shrouded it was easy to tell that he had a broad, powerful body and wore armor underneath.

"And who might you be?" said Orddu trying to look under his hood.

"I'm the man who will stop you if you decide to go through with this." said the hooded man in a threatening voice. His voice was deep and brave.

All three witches laughed at him, "What makes you think you can stop us by yourself?" said Orgoch.

"You'll see and I promise you, even if you're war does occur, I won't be alone and the Horned King will fall once again." The hooded man turned away and suddenly disappeared.

"Who does that man think he is? Threatening us like that?" says Orgoch angrily.

"I don't know, but he seemed quite the handsome one." says Orwen.

"You didn't even see his face, quit falling for every man you see you love-struck witch!"

"Enough!" yelled Orddu, "We can't waste anymore time, we must leave while we can."

Chapter 2: Tamriel

They sealed the Black Cauldron away and summoned a portal to the first world. After they left, the hooded man traveled to see Tauren so that Henwin, Tauren's oracular pig, could show him where they went first. He arrived at the farm and knocked on the door. The door opened and Tauren suspiciously stared at the mysterious man. He has grown into quite a man ever since he first stopped the Horned King from using the black cauldron to rule over Pridane. He still wore similar clothing from back then and he gained some muscle tone. His hair was long and he had a full beard.

"Who are you?" asked Tauren, his voice was deep, but cautious.

"Don't worry about who I am. I need your pig to show me something." said the stranger avoiding the question.

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