☆ Deux ☆

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There sat a huge looming shadow sitting in the dock. Waiting to explore the new waters of the Atlantic. The docks were filled with people and cars scambling to get aboard and say their final farewells. The horn blared loudly informing them it would leave in only a few minutes. Passengers flocked to admire it's beauty as well. A man was ushering passengers aboard to be check while a man hugged his son close as the boy looked in awe.

"Papa it's a ship!" The little boy squealed.

"You're right David." The older curly haired man said, carying the boy aboard.

I've been in London for far too long and now I am finally getting my wish to go home. My fiancé James Orleans will be a fine husband, or so Father says. I really detest ships but anything is better than this wretched place. It's always so cold and like something out of a Poe story. We leave soon I'm eager to get home to Philadelphia, I've missed it so. The ship's name is Titanic that's what the letters read overhead, everyone gushes about it but I see nothing fascinating just another steel trap.

An dark automobile pulled onto the unloading part of the dock. Three people sat in the back seat, all men and all brunette. On one side was a unruly haired bruntte dressed in a deep burgundy suit carrying a cane in one hand and holding a hand in another. The hand belonged to the middle brunette dressed in a dark blue gown and hat to match looking unamused at the gesture. Lastly on the end sat a taller brunette all decked in a dark suit looking regal and stern as he sat looking at the ship. The bodyguard/Chauffeur named Mr. John Montreux opened the door helping out the boy in the middle.

A brunette boy emerged from the side of the automobile sighing as he did when unimpressed, "I don't know what's so great about this 'Titanic' it's far less smaller than our last ship, what was it, ah the Mauritania."

"Say what you will about that ship dear Keith but don't be so quickly to judge this one." A taller brunette said happily emerging from the other side. "It's ten times larger and far more luxurious than it's counterpart." He added a bit more annoyed.

"Perhaps though will the blasted thing make it to New York in one piece?" A third brunette asked emerging from the same side as the previous man.

"Course it will Peter, it was built by the best, the J.P. Morgan company, God himself couldn't sink it." James boasted proudly slapping the side of the hull with his cane.

"Whatever, I'm getting on, please get my bags." Keith announced walking away from his father and fiancée.

"There is no pleasing your son Peter." James said lowly sounding forlorned.

"Give him time Mr. Orleans he'll come around." Assured Peter following James to the Titanic.

Everyone loved the ship I hated it, to them it was a palace on the ocean taking them on a luxurious cruise back to their lives and loved ones in the states. But to me the ship felt hollow, cold as if it were not a well furnished floating palace but a horrid torturous vessell dragging me back home not a wife to be wed but as a prisoner to be sold in auction. On the outside I joked and went along with the charades of my fellow socialites but inside I was screaming bloody murder.

In a shop not far away two people's lives were about to change. Sitting at the table was a tall figure with messy black hair under his cap. Next to him was his best friend whom he's known forever. Across sat two swedish merchants who had just wagered their tickets for Titanic which will be leaving shortly.

"You just bet everything ya git! We have nothing!" The redhead swore to the brunette.

"Then we have nothing to lose, Walrus." Responded the brunette cheekily.

"Alright, I've got nothing." Said a blonde across from the duo.

"John?" Asked the Ravenette.

"I'm out." Mumbled the sulking John.

"Two-Pairs." Another blonde gloated laying down his cards.

"Shit." Was was Hyde's response. "Well this is really horrible, I'm sorry John." He apologised sincerly looking utterly defeated.

"I told you not to bet all our money ya fucking cunt, I was gonna use that to see me mum!" John screamed lividly ready to knock Hyde into next Tuesday.

"I'm sorry John, but that won't happen for awhile." Hyde said nonchalantly then broke into a grin. "Cause were going North! Full House Gents!" He added cheering and slamming his cards on the table.

"What!?" The blonde screamed across from him!

"You cheated you bastard!" Yelled another about to beat the tar out of Hyde but turns and begins throttling his partner.

"Come on John we're going home!" Laughed the giddy semi drunken Hyde to John.

"Not if yer don't move your asses you're not!" The bartender hollered over the swearing Swedes.

"Oh shit!" Exclaimed Hyde.

"C'mon Hyde!" John yelled grabbing his stuff and bolting out of the pub.

"This is great! We're like fucking royalty!" Hollered Hyde happily running to catch the ship.

"America! Is it as wonderful as you say Hyde?" Huffed out John trying to keep up with his friend.

"Yes it is John and now you get to see it first hand." Hyde answered turning around to help John who was almost hit by a carriage driver. "Ya gobshite don't die on me!" He added mock scolding John.

John laughed wholeheartedly as he spoke, "I can't wait, I've dreamt about it since I was a boy."

"Come on John I thought you'd be fast on them stilts!" The ravenette teased his partner.

"Fuck off Hyde!" John said playfully.

Hyde hollered for the steward, "Wait sir we're passengers!"

"Have you been through our procedures?" The man asked.

"Yes sir both of us." Hyde lied without hesitation.

"Right come aboard. " Ushered the steward.

"We're two lucky bastards you know that?!" Hyde cheered attacking John.

"I've never seen you this excited before, it's a bit creepy, Hyde."A confused John said lowly.

"Get used to it Johnny, from here on out its nothing but smiles." A beaming Hyde answered back then turned towards the dock. "Goodbye." He yelled to the crowd.

"You see someone?" Asked John.

Hyde shrugged and spoke as calmly as possible,"No but this is what you're supposed to do innit? Goodbye everyone!"

"You'll always be with me in my heart I'll see you again one day!" John yelled as if addressing a dock full of fans.

"Goodbye South Hamptoners we love you!" Hyde hollered back just as enthusiastically.

"And we'll never forget you buncha tossers!" Was John's last farewell to the dock goers.

Everyone cheered as the Titanic set sail gliding through the North Atlantic so smoothly it looked as if she were walking on the water. The seagulls flew overhead in the bright blue skies while the deckload of passengers still waved their goodbyes. A tug boat followed lazily next to the giant to make sure it had a safe departure. A few minutes later she was on her way setting off on her maiden voyage carrying many types of travelers from well known socialites to poverish unknowns all with one thing on their mind to go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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