Chapter 9-Welcome to Asgard

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I laughed and went inside, leaving him to his thoughts.

That night, we were both outside again. I was on my computer, planning out Lilly's next lesson, and Loki was drawing in one of my sketchbooks. I looked up and saw a look of concentration of his face.

"Whatcha working on?" I leaned over to see but he closed the book before I could see.

"Uh, I don't like that one." He ripped it out, folded it in half and threw it away. I shrugged and went back to the computer. I finished planning and decided to look up Norse mythology to see what I could find about Loki. I really wish I hadn't done that.

Ten minuets later I looked up at Loki, in shock. "Loki."

"Yes, love?" he looked up from his drawing and saw my expression. "What is it?"

"You had sex with a horse?" I asked.

His cheeks turned slightly pink. "It could be possible."

I stared at him in disbelief. "We're you like, really lonely that day?"

He blushed even more. "I'm sure there are things about yourself you haven't told me. Care to tell me?" he said, trying to change the subject.

"Oh no you don't. Don't try and change the subject. We are talking about this until I know everything there is to know about you and your sexual habits. And yes, there is stuff you don't know but that's not the point of this conversation." I looked down at my computer and kept scrolling.

"Darling, you must understand. Events like that are a combination for fate and magic, not for my own pleasure."

"Yeah yeah yeah. I get that. But it says here that you also gave birth to an eight legged horse?"

"Yes that is true. The horses name is Slepnir and he his my son."

I groanded and face palmed myself.

"Is there a problem that I'm not seeing here love?"

I looked up at him. "Yes! Yes theres a problem!" I opened my palm and the purple fire turned into a miniature horse in my hand. I threw it on the ground and it became life size. I pointed at him. "You, had sex with one of these!"

"How did you do that?"

I closed my palm and the flaming purple horse disappeared.

"Not the point. Apperently you also have 3 more children. A wolf named Fenrir, a giant serpent named Jormungand, and a half dead daughter named Hel who is goddess of the underworld or Nifflheim, as you would call it."

He thought for a moment. "Yes, that is all true. However, I don't see how my children are a problem to you."

I sighed in frustration. "Listen, your a dad and that's great. It really is. I don't have a problem with you or your family, it's just the fact that you had sex with a horse that bothers me. Just a little. "

"Why?" His look of confusion really was too cute.

"Here's why. If my friends find out that the guy I'm dating had sex and gave birth to a horse, I'll never hear the end of it. Don't you see how weird that makes me look? And, oh this is the icing on the cake. You were a female while doing it. That makes me, like, half lesbian!"

He chuckled and moved closer to me. He leaned over and pressed his lips to mine. I bit back a gasp and pulled away.

"Does that prove to you that I prefer you over a horse Jang?"

"Maybe." I heard the doorbell ring and I walked up to the door, fearing who it could be. I close my eyes and envisioned myself outside. I saw all of my friends and all their expressions. I leaned against the door and I groaned.

Mischief Meets Mischief (A Loki Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon