We Are Both Broken

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I would love you to stay away from them,
but I don't want you to leave a comfortable place.
Well, this is greedy,
but I don't want you to leave me.
Already typing it makes me seem like I expect from you...
I know that it might seem,
like I just want to be a person you need.
Though that is not the case,
I want to just be with you in times like this.
I am no hero,
I have no strength.
That won't hold me back,
in times like that.
I wish I was like others and I can just leave,
but I have been through things having no one with me.
Which you have too,
but this is something strong to go through.
Though I'm sorry I'm a coward and I rather run away,
than tell them on what happens in my life.
If I just get near them I remember what they're capable of,
and I fall out inside.
Though, now you're giving me memories,
seeing you right now will comfort me,
don't know if I'm that special to you,
to be able to give you such feeling.
Around you I see that you have gone though matters worse than mine.
With you I can actually show me.
I would go with you just give me some time.
You're not the first but you're one that will last.
I'm just wishing that you see what I see.
Sadly we cant see what other people see.
You got one point the other three are not mine to tell.
I just don't want you to stumble into one of theirs, and have your own.
I'm saying this because some people's lives are in hell.
You being one, I just want you to get out of that stone.
Is it okay if I show somebody?
I don't want to, I don't think it's a good idea.
I just want to see...
From other people's area...
We both hate to be lied,
We both are broken inside.

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