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Riotous crowd mixed with the loud beats of music and the awful yet soothing smell of liquor and sweat welcomed her as she take a step inside her palace.

She's not a princess nor queen but the people around the place--- the club, treat her as if she's their highness.

"Hi Stephie." greetings from the strangers she walk passed by.

She just flash her signature angelic smile as an answer and continued walking to wherever her friend's hang in.
She's here for like twice a week so no wonder strangers already know her.

While walking, a man which is a complete stranger for Stephanie, suddenly put his one arm over her shoulders.

She stopped and look at the guy, as it's nasty smell, maybe because of all the alcohols he already drink, reaches her nose.

"Knew you're around." said by the guy

Stephanie want to immediately distance her self when an awful smell escape from the guy's mouth but.....

The guy has looks!

"Do I know you?" She asked that made the guy laugh.

"Of course! We once dance together in the middle of the dance floor."

"Oh really?" Stephanie said with a smirk as she eye him from head to egg and bite her lower lip. She haven't got laid for months... Or is it already a year? Doesn't matter (well it actually does matter) because now that her body's aching for a one night....

"Want my number?" Stephanie's offer letting her mischievous side dominate.

Not wasting the chance, Mr. Stranger quickly fish his phone in his pocket.

Looks like someone's going to extend the night.


"Hey birthday girl." greetings from her three girlfriends as she kick in.

"Hi everyone." Stephanie's simple answer as she sit beside her one friend named Hazel.

Stephanie looked at the drinks that were on the table.

"Gentle Jack? Who ordered this?" She said with giggles as she grab the bottle.

"I did." Aj said with raised eyebrow. "What's the problem?"

Stephanie laughed uncontrollably. "It's surprising how a bitch like you wanted such light drink."

Aj's jaw dropped with widen eyes. "What did you say?"

"Oops." Stephanie covered her mouth acting sorry. "I didn't know seducing a guy with a girlfriend, making him broke up with her because he chooses you, then leave him because you're bored is not yet a bitch in your vocabulary." Stephanie said quizzaciously making her two other friends laugh.

Aj roll her eyes, not liking the conversation. "I am a bitch. So what? It's his fault too for not making up my expectations but whatever. Being a bitch is not that bad, at least I'm not a..." Aj interrupted herself and look at their quiet friend, Sydney.

Lifting her head from her phone and looking at her friends, she scowled.
"What?" her annoyed answer 

"COU. GAR." Stephanie, completing Aj's statement.

"Here we go again." Said Sydney, being the center of attention. "I'm really done explaining to you, immatures!"

"Hahaha, calm down!" Said Aj as she continue to laugh.

Stephanie look around, realizing that there's someone missing in the group.

"Where's Cole?" Stephanie ask, looking for their guy friend.

"In the comfort room." -Sydney, who's again, looking down to her phone.

"Being the usual Fuckboy?" Stephanie shook her head in disbelief.

"Uh huh." -Aj

"Come on guys, Cole's not a fuckboy. Maybe he just really like the gi---" said Hazel who was interrupted before even finishing.

"Stop defending the love of your life, Hazel." -Sydney, rolling her eyes.

"And correction, he likes all the girls." -Aj, with hands thrown in the air.

"Aside from you." Stephanie said as she naughtily smirk.

And that's her circle of friends. 

Aj as the bitch.

Hazel as the hopeless romantic.

Sydney as the one interested to younger men.

And Cole as the fuckboy.
Time passed.

She spent the night spending every quarters getting wasted. 

Doing embarrassing dares from her friends.

Dancing in the middle of the dance floor, being carefree as she always does.

And before the night gets over, she receives a message from an unknown number.

She smirk remembering the guy from earlier, and thinking......

 It's now the most exciting time of the night.


She was thrown in the bed but not in pain as the guy she still doesn't know the name, went on top of her and start to exchange kisses with no guilt nor passion but only pure pleasure and satisfaction.

They fight more wild than the gladiators. The room is steaming red-hot as their hand travel in each other's body.

With all the sensation, her phone vibrate, getting a message from someone.

She stop kissing to look at her phone and read their nuisance.

From: Old Man

It's 3 am. where the hell are you?

She was about to hide her phone when it vibrate again.

From: Old Man

Don't make me text him
Go home, NOW.


Is all the word she can think off just by reading the word 'him'.

Being aware of the variety of things he can do, Stephanie immediately push the guy that's kissing her neck.

 "What's wrong?" the guy's immediate reaction

"I'm leaving." Stephanie said as she stand and get her things.

"What?! That's it?" said by the guy as he follow the ready-to-leave Stephanie.

"Yeah..." Stephanie's short answer.

"No." he said being authoritative.
"I promise, you'll enjoy it. Just stay."

But Stephanie, being mischievous, continued walking. "Your small dick can't even excite me ." She said smirking and leave his place.

While walking, she grabbed her phone and her keys.

Entering her car, she message the old man.

To: Old Man Charlie

I'm on my way.|

She bite her lower lip thinking about the words she was about to add.

To: Old Man Charlie

I'm on my way.

Please, don't tell him. 

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