Brianna diary|

hi my name is Brianna McKinnley im 15 turning 16. i just moved to a little city called Omaha, Nebraska.

i moved here with my sister and mom.

when i was younger i used to live with my real dad. and he was a drunk and always treated me like shit. until one day he had his friend, and the friends oldest son over. my dad left to go get beer and food for him, myself, the friend, and the friends son.

the friend and the son stayed. and no later than 5 minutes after my dad pulled out of the drive way the friend and the son came into my room and locked the door.

i didn't know what was happening, i was only 7 years old. the son came over to my bed and sat down next to me and started to kiss me. i just stat there with my eyes open not knowing what to do.

He started to push me down on the bed and tried to climb over me. all i know is that i didnt want to do what ever what he was trying to do.

i tried to stop him but he hit me, and kept hitting me until i couldn't move. Like i was awake but i couldn't move. all i know was that, that day i lost my virginity to two men.

After the friend finished what ever he was doing with me i heard my dad. i started to scream. he ran and broke down my door, i never thought that my dad actually cared for me.

he beat the shit out of the two guys. my dad then picked me up and wrapped me up in two blankets and took me and left me to the hospital.

After i recovered from my beating, he hospital contacted Child Services and they put me in foster care, because it turned out that my mom had died when given birth to me and that hurt so much. and when my dad found out he was forced to take care of me and he mistreated me so much.

So they had put me into child care at the age of 7 and taken out child care a year later, at the age of 8.

In child care i kept to myself. I never slept, ate or talked to anyone. Until one day a girl was brought into the Service care thing. She had bruises all over her and no one talked to her and thought she was weird.

I would talk to her and eat with her and walk around with her even though she wouldn't talk to me .

One night i ended up falling asleep which i never do. Id never sleep. I woke up crying and she left her bed and went over to mine, got into the bed with me and i felt safe. I actually felt like going to sleep.

The last thing she said to me before i went to sleep was, im jazlyn and your not alone. ever since then it was me and her against everything. We call each other sisters and we actually kinda look alike.

Then a couple months later my counselor said that a women wanted to adopt me. But i refused unless she adopted me and jazlyn.

I had thought they were going to say no but she said yes that it was a great idea. That day me and jaz packed our things and went to her house.

Jessica, the women who had adopted us, means the world to me and jazlyn. she is our mom and i will do anything for her. She is also me and jazlyn's best friend. We have never lied to her and never will.

We moved to omaha because there was to much bad things happening where we were. I was raped at the age of 14 again and i turned out pregnant. The guy was a year older than me, 15, but was never found again. But i remember him so well.

A couple months ago i lost the baby. I was hurt, devastated, and feel into a deep depression. My mom thought it would be a good idea to leave everything behind and move, and that's what we did.


Brianna's POV|

I was interrupted by my mom coming into my room, that is full of boxes that i still need to unpack.

"c'mon bri you have to get as much as you can unpacked before school tomorrow" she said peeking her smiling face into my half closed door, and continued to walk down the hallway to the stairs.

I smiled and set my pen and book down on the floor. I jumped up from where i was sitting and exited my room. I walked down the hallway to Jazlyn's room. I opened he door and she was already done setting up her room. It was so white and bright. Just like her except the white part lmao.

"your already done unpacking!?" i said looking at her with a smiling face, because its jazlyn always done with things first.

"yeah now c'mon lets go unpack your stuff" i smile at her response and she follows me to my room.

***4 HOURS LATER****

"your room is"

"dark, i know i dont have bright things like you " i say laughing and she joins in.

We go downstairs and enjoy the food our mom made us. My mom takes us both up stairs. She stays in the movie room while me and Jazlyn go take our showers in our own room.

I get dressed and meet my mom and Jazlyn in the movie room and talk about tomorrow.

"omg briii" jazlyn screams remembering something

"what" i say laughing

"tomorrow is our birthday!!" i jump up remembering it also.

(jazlyn and I have the same birthdate, that brought us closer together in foster care)

My mom smiles, and we know that smile so me and jaz beg her to tell us what she got us. But of course she refuses to tell us and sends us to bed.

****Jazlyns room****

****Jazlyns room****

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***Bri's room***

***Bri's room***

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**Their House**

**Their House**

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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