Chapter 8

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so like my orthodontist appointment is 55 minutes late so i decided to write while i'm waiting patiently.
i'm going to be a lil devil and do a time skip because it's way too much to work on all of the explaining when u already know how it happened
WARNING: this is going to be different from the real show because it is a different person so it can't all be like mei. so yeah

ANOTHER WARNING: very short chapter but i tried

YET ANOTHER WARNING: i am on my laptop so don't expect anything...

Two weeks later

after the whole situation a few weeks ago, things have gotten more or less normal. which to be completely honest, is kind of boring. well not boring... just... not as interesting as it had been since yamato came. yamato and i are currently "dating" although i don't understand why because 98% of our school hadn't known who i was until a few days ago. i don't know why, but i'm just scared as heck to get close to yamato. i'm just scared that he will dump me away, just like anyone else. so, i decided i would stay away from him as much as possible, for my own selfish reasons.


i look back to see yamato running towards me smiling and waving. i smile back and wait for him to catch up until i continue walking.

"so i was thinking, there's this new restaurant near my house, and i heard its really good. so do you uh," he begins to scratch the back of his neck, "maybe wanna go on a date?"

one date wouldn't hurt.

so i smile and nod. when we finally got to our classes, we went separate ways. all during class, i couldn't help but think about going on a "date" with him, since our last one didn't exactly work out. what would i say? what would he say? i was beginning to feel nervous. you can't blame me, i'm not a very people person. oh my god. what would i wear? maybe a sweater and high socks and shorts. would a dress be going too far?

needless to say, thoughts like this roamed through my head all class. meaning, i didn't do my work. meaning, i got an after school detention. meaning, yamato no more. i was slightly relieved, but also really sad. really, really sad. so when i was forced to tell yamato, i couldn't even look at him. he offered to wait, but i practically forced him not to waste his time on me.

detention was boring. really boring. i sat there looking at the sun set while my teacher did work for tomorrow. i literally almost hopped out the window and said "yamato i can go!"

but i didn't.

so after who knows how long, i was finally dismissed. the sun was basically set, so i was getting worried about walking home alone. but when i finally made my way downstairs to leave, i saw someone standing against the was already passed 7:00, why would anyone be here? i didn't pay attention and simply walked by, until a familiar voice called after me. i looked behind me.

he stayed.

ok this is a really short chapter but hey, i updated. SO I WANTED TO SAY IM VERY EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER FOR MANY REASONS. the date in general, but something big is coming up. you know what else is coming up? the part when yamato gets sick. and that's my favorite episode, so get ready.

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