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"HOW COULD YOU." Simon cried as I drunkenly stared at him.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." I slurred, as I was half naked. I slowly walked towards him but he took a huge step back glaring at me.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!" He screams, running away. I look back over to the bed where a random girl I didn't even know laid, scared out of her mind.

"Shit." I mumble, rushing to put some clothes on and chase after him.

"I wouldn't chase after him if I were you." The random girl says, leaving the room as she had rushed to get dressed as well.

"Well, it isn't my fault you got me drunk and forced me to have sex with you." I spat, closing my eyes as a huge headache came my way. "Fuck." I mumble, trying to find my way to the kitchen for some tablets.

"Whatever." She says, leaving as she had done enough damage.


I run down to Tobi's flat, tears streaming down my face as all I could think about was Josh and that girl in bed together. I knew I should have never dated him he was an alcoholic since his mother and father had died. I had tried to stop him. Tobi and I got him to stop drinking during the week but when the weekend came around he was drinking non-stop, chugging down bottles after bottles. It's like he just craved more and more.

"Tobi!" I yell banging on his door. It was 1am but I needed to get away from Josh.

"Simon?" Tobi mumbles barley awake, he opens the door all the way and lets me inside. "What's wrong?" He asks sitting down on the couch next to me.

"J-Josh he cheated." I cry out, hugging Tobi letting out all my tears.

"W-was he drinking?" Tobi asks already knowing the answer. I nod weakly and sniffle. "I'm so sorry Si." He says rubbing my back trying to comfort me.

"Simon?" I look up from hugging Tobi and see Josh.

"What do you want." I ask wiping my eyes, turning my back to him.

"I just want to say. I'm sorry I know sorry isn't enough to fix what I did. I was drunk and was being forced. I love you and I know you might not love me but I'm going to try and get better and when I do get better. Will you be my friend again and we can start over?" I could hear in his voice the shakiness and how he choked back the tears, trying not to cry.

"Yes." I say in almost a whisper, tears waiting to be released.

"Thank you." He says and I could him shakily take a breathe and then leave. I think back to when he said I love you and my heart flutters like it used too.

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