My Brother

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"Yes I'm your mother." She said as she sniffed, she wiped away a tear that fell from her face. I shifted my weight over to my right foot and continued to stare at her. I'm not going to be nice I don't even know this women's name, why should I be nice.

"So I'm guessing I'm going to have to move in with you?" I asked my 'mother'. She looked at me with a sad face, she probably thought her daughter was going to be different. Not like me.

"Well no, you will be staying with your brother." She said handing me a piece of paper, "here's his address and my phone number, text me if you need anything sweetie. I have to get going but have fun with your brother." She gave me a smile and nodded towards the principal before leaving.

I turned to my principal as she started talking, "You have a week off of school to get settled in." I nodded, turning on my foot towards the door. I walked down the empty hallways to get to my locker. Stopping in front of my painted light blue locker. I put in my combo swinging my locker door open having it smash into the locker door next to me.

Once I had my umbrella and purse I slammed the door shut having it lock. I didn't really care about keeping up with my homework and the principal never said I had to so I left my books at school. As I walked to the front doors I opened up my umbrella so the time I spent on my hair wouldn't go to waste.

As I jogged to my car I stepped in a puddle causing my shoes to get soaked and the lower part of my jeans to get wet. Jumping in my cheap old used Jeep I tossed my purse in the passenger seat and closed the door shut. Putting my wet umbrella on the floor I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and checked my messages from my 'mum' so I could put Harry's address in my GPS.

During the drive, I just listened to One Direction's old songs. I'm not a crazy fan girl or anything I just enjoy there music. I don't know much about them other than there's names and what there singing voice sounded like. I came upon a gate that was surrounded by trees and all I could see was the driveway. I pressed the call button to open the gate.

A camera turned towards me looking at me through the window. The camera beeped and then the gate started to open. I drove up the very very long driveway, like holy fuck how long could this driveway be?! Once I finally reached the house that was a fucking mansion, I parked my car and grabbed my purse as I jumped out of the car closing the door.

I knocked on the door tell a tall middle aged man stood in front of me.  "You must be the sister," I nodded my head as he opened the door wider so I could walk in. "Well harry has his friends over, they are in the basement at the moment over that way." He said as he pointed down a long hall leading to a open door towards stairs.

I walked down the stairs carful not to fall because I have a tendency for being clumsy. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard a bunch of guys laughing. "Harry!" I yelled to lazy to look around. It was very rude of him not to great me so I wasn't going to be nice.

"Tiffany?" He yelled back with some moment."Ohh, Harry got a girlfriend." Some deep Irish voice said. He actually sounded like Niall, it probably is. "Tiffany," Harry said super excited as he ran up and gave me a big hug. "I missed you so much, come on let's go over by the guys."

I nodded and followed him over to a side room with a massive TV and had many recliner chairs. As we entered the room I saw Niall, Louis, and Liam all sitting in there own chairs on there phones as a movie plays on the TV in the background. "Boys I would like you meet my sister Tiffany, rule number one no dating her, especially you Tomlinson."

"Hello, I'm Tiffany but you bitches better call me Tiff," I say very rudely. I wasn't going to be nice to them, there not my friends and just being there famous doesn't me I need to suck up to there asses. They looked at me shocked, it's like no one has ever treated them this rudely. Well they better get used to it because I'm not going to become any nicer to them.

"No reason to be so rude love." Louis said as his famous smirk started to show behind the serious face his try to contain. I laughed at him, him trying to keep a straight face was one of the funniest things I've ever seen and I'm not exaggerating.

"Guys just shut the fuck up and let's watch a movie." I said getting pissed off, I didn't want to be here and I know they didn't want me to be here either. The feeling was mutual, I'm only here because I have to be. I'll be turning 18 in two years and then I'll move out right away.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Harry asked kinda disappointed in me. I felt a little bad for being such a bitch but I'm seriously not going to be nice. I only have to deal with them for this week and once I go back to school I won't till it's summer. I usually go away all summer anyways so I'll only have to see them after school and a little bit on the weekends when I'm not working.

"Just turn on any scary movie, I don't really care what one just make sure it's scary," I told Harry. Harry grabbed the remote and turned on some random scary movie as one of the boys turned out the lights. Half way through the movie I fell asleep, I usually don't fall asleep so early but I got up really early this morning for school. It's going to be nice not having to get up for school for a week.

"I can take her to bed in you want me, Harry, you need some taste for filming tomorrow," someone said with a British accent. It sucks that all of them have British accents, minus Niall. But I can never tell who's saying what and it sometimes pisses me off. I want to be able to know who is saying what.

"Ok thanks man," Harry said as I heard footsteps walking towards the door and up the stairs. Once he left I felt a warm arm wrap around my back and my legs picking me up from my warm comfortable spot.

Soon I was set on a bed and the blankets were pulled over my small body. They brushed the hair out of my face tucking it behind my ear."Good night beautiful." A British accent said. Then they kissed me on my forehead before the door closed.

Word count: 1222 words
Please comment and vote! I hoped you liked it, thanks for reading love you guys! - Jayde

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