Dont do that

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Dippers pov

Mabel was obviously still mad at me. I woke up once again seeing her in my arms. Mabel was a light sleeper and so was I. I kiss her cheek and then she wakes up and looks at me in a discussed way. Are parents left for their hunny moon for 2 weeks and I had to deal with Mabel and her audited. She looks down and a tear escapes her eye and falls on my shoulder. Now I feel terrible. Mabel I say as I go in to hug her. She flinches at my touch. No's my fault she says. I give her a sad smile. No it's not I say. Dipper yes it she says as tears silently fall down her face onto my shirt. Mabes I say. I'm tired I think I'm going back to sleep Mabel says. I thought she would go back to her room but she stayed in my room curled up on my chest. I was watching her sleep then she suddenly jolted up holding her head as she screamed. Mabel. Mabel. MABLE! Quit it! MABEL! She wouldn't calm down so I slapped her. She quits screaming and looks at me. She gasps for breath then giggles. Mabel that wasn't funny I scream. She keeps on laughing and laughing. I get kinda creeped out so I slap her again. Mabel open your eyes I say. She opens her eyes and there yellow. Mabel I scream. Then bill appears in my room. BILL let my sister GO! I scream. Ahh, not so clever now are you bill says. As you wish but I'll be back bill says and then snaps his fingers and disappeared. Mabel I yell as her lifeless body hits the ground. Mabel I say again as I ketch her body before it hits the ground. I pick her up and cradle her and kiss her forehead and whisper everything is going to be fine I won't let anyone or anything hurt you or separate us. I kiss her forehead and cheek. Please Mabel wake up I sob. I hear her voice from flashbacks.
Dipper, dipper, dipperrrr!! Look no braces. I hate it when you do that to me, I just hate it. Hey bro-bro, awkward sibling hug. Sir dipping sauce.
                      *end of flash backs*

You can't leave me you can't do this I say bringing out my phone and dialing 911.
Woman: 911, what's your emergency?
Me: um, s..sister needs help she...she won't wake up.
Woman: we'll be there shortly
Me: thank you
                  *call ends*
Mabel hold on you'll be okay, the ambulance are coming to help you I say though sobs. A few minutes later I hear sirens. People come into the house one person comes into the room and another fallows. The first person who picked up Mabel, his name tag said mark and the other person who was a girl, her name tag said Judie. Come on Judie said and helped me up. Come on get in she yells over the sirens. I get in and I see Mabel I quickly grab her hand. Judie asks me a bunch of questions.

Judie: what's the girls name?
Me: Mabel
Judie: how old?
Me: 15
Judie: you're name?
Me: dipper
Judie: tell both last names of you and Mabel
Me: pines
Judie: you've been to the hospital before we don't need any more information.
              *the asking of questions ends*

You'll need to wait hear mark says. They roll Mabel into the hospital doors that say RESTRICTED. I sit down I pull out my phone and call mom and dad. Come on answer I mumble. Finally some one picked up.
Me: mom? Dad?
Familiar voice: mom? Dad?
Me: bill!?
Bill: yep, oh, and by the way I killed your parents
               *call ends*

Tears silently rush down my face. Mr. pines a lady says as she walks over to me. I emerged up. Yes I answered. It's Mabel she says. Come with me she adds. I walk in to the RESTRICTED doors. This way she says. She opens a room door. In the middle of the door the numbers 141 are carved into the wood. The first thing I see is Mabel hooked up to one of the life sport things. Judie comes in and says she's in grave pain, she's in a coma she won't wake up for who knows how long. Judie gives me a pat on the back and says good luck dipper. I grab a chair and sit by Mabel's hospital bed. I push a strand of her hair out of her face. She has an air mask on. Her eyes are taped shut and she has an IV in her arm giving her blood. She looks weak and frail she has lost all color to her skin it looks like she's a clear color. I'm so sorry Mabel, I was being selfish, and I'm so sorry for being a big butt I say trying to laugh though my tears. I grab hold of Mabel's hand and kiss it. After that I feel her hand twitch. I look at her with hope, but nothing happened. 4 hours later Judie comes in and asks dipper would you like to spend the night hear. Yes, I mean if that's okay I ask and say at the same time. I knew you'd like too she says as she hands me a pillow and blanket. Sleep tight she says. Wait I say. Yes she ask concerned. Can Mabel hear me I ask. Yes, she most definitely can Judie says then leaves the room. I kiss Mabel's forehead and talk about the fun we used to have. I check my watch and the time reads:3:09 in the morning I should get some sleep I mumble to myself and set up a little bed. Good night,Mabel I say. I decided to say a prayer even though I don't believe in god I still did, not knowing if it would help or not then I lazily shut my eyes.

A/N: 1023 words guys!!

Don't think about her dipper x Mabel Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt