Love and Emails

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      It's has been a day since MC joined the RFA. Every one seems to be so nice to a complete stranger. All though Seven said she was a safe person, Jaehee wanted to be the first one to meet her in person.
      Jaehee noticed that MC had been agreeing with every thing her boss said. She was complimenting him. And quote on quote "blushing", after he said how kind she was. Jaehee was not very fond of MC.
     MC had said things to her like: "Jumin doesn't give two shits about your feelings," and ,"Quit being such a bitch." All in private chat of course. She wouldn't want to upset her precious Jumin.
    Although she knew Jumin didn't care about her well being, she felt a bit sad when MC said things like that to her. MC had already convinced Jumin to meet her. Jaehee butt in, and told her that it wasn't a very good idea. MC of course texted Jaehee privately, "Bitch."
Jaehee tried to ignore MC's harsh remarks. It was quite difficult, Jaehee couldn't figure out why. There had to be a better reason than just, MC was rude.

Jaehee pulled out the article she had minimized yesterday. She began to read.
"Jumin Han of the C&R Corporation, and his assistant seem to be in a secret relationship. Han has been seen multiple times kissing his assistant. Of course Jumin Han and Jaehee Kang (his assistant) have ignored all evidence of this."
The door to Jaehee'a office opened. She quickly shut the tab, and began to work. It was Jumin. "Assistant Kang, do you think I should meet MC?"
"Personally, no. We have no idea if she's a safe person yet." Jaehee paused for a moment. "So it would be safer if you wait." Jumin shrugged his shoulders and left the room.
     Jaehee grunted. "He'll never listen to me. But why the hell do I care what happens to him?!" She tapped her fingers on her desk. She called MC to meet up with her, and let no one else know.

Jaehee walked into the café MC had wanted to meet at. "Hello MC." She had long brown hair and golden eyes. MC looked at Jaehee disgustedly.
"Why did you want to meet with me?" MC asked.
"I just wanted to be the first to meet you." Jaehee replied.
MC and Jaehee talked for a while. They actually enjoyed each other's company. MC was nicer than she expected.

The Next Morning
Jaehee opens to door to her boss's office. She noticed he was sleeping. She giggled a little. She set her stuff down on the chair, and walked over to him. Jaehee first poked his shoulder. Nothing. She smiled. She began to comb her fingers through his messy hair. He did not move. Then it hit her. Why she disliked MC, because she liked Jumin.
Jaehee froze. His eyes slowly began to open. "Assistant Kang... What are doing here?" He asked in a quiet tone.
"I work here." She said. Jumin jolted up. He then realized he had fallen asleep. He looked at Jaehee then back at his work. Jaehee couldn't help, but to laugh a little.
"What are you laughing at?" He gave her a confused look. She covered her mouth with her hand.
"Nothing." Her speech was muffled. Jaehee grabbed her bag. Jumin raised his eyebrow as she walked out the door.   Jumin stretched out his arms. He was tired because he stayed up late last night on the messenger, talking to none other than MC. Jumin liked MC, she was nice to everyone in the RFA, she always sided with Jumin. He had no idea why his assistant had a problem with it.

     Later that day Jaehee received an email from an unknown. She decided to read it. 'You are invited to a party on Banglo Avenue, on February 28th, 2017, at 9 O'clock sharp.' Jaehee scrolled down further. '01011001 01101111 01110101 01110010 01110011 00100000 01010100 01110010 01110101 01101100 01111001 00100000 01001101 01000011 ' Was it from Seven? She thought nothing of it and threw it in spam. She did miss one part of the letter. Jaehee looked at the calendar on her wall,'February 28th'. "What? I swear it was January yesterday." She spoke. Jaehee decided to ask the rest of the RFA if they had gotten the letter.

          Zen, MC
-Jaehee Kang has joined the chat room-
MC: You're average looking... I guess.
Zen: Average looking!! I think you must be crazy.
MC: No, I just see past your narcissistic ways.
Zen: What?!
Jaehee: Hello, Zen, MC.
MC: Hello. Zen and I were having a conversation about his looks.
Jaehee: Really?
Zen: She thinks I look average.
Jaehee: That's not usual.
Zen: I know right!?!
MC: Stop using multiple punctuations at the end of your sentence.
Zen: Basically our entire conversation was her criticizing me.
Jaehee: On what?
Zen: Everything about me.
Zen: My looks, my personality, my acting, smoking, and now my grammar.
MC: Not to mention he doesn't like cats.
Zen: I'm allergic, for the last time!
Zen: Jesus, you're as ignorant as trustfundkid.
MC: Trustfundkid?
Jaehee: Mr Han.
MC: He isn't ignorant!
Zen: You're defending him?
MC: Yes.
Jaehee: Any way, did either of you get an email from anonymous inviting you to a party?
Zen: No.
MC: Me neither.
Jaehee: It also had binary code in it.
Zen: You could ask Seven about it.
MC: Yeah, maybe he sent it as a prank.
Zen: That is possible.
Jaehee: If any of you receive it please tell me.
MC: Alright.
Zen: I will, Jaehee.
MC: Jaehee's a pretty name.
Jaehee: Um, thank you.
Jaehee: I must get back to work, talk to you two later.
MC: Don't let Jumin down!
Zen: Bye, Jaehee!
-Jaehee Kang has left the chat room-

     'Don't let Jumin down.' Why would she say that? A few minutes later Jaehee got another email, from an unknown. "Who the hell keeps sending these?"

A/N Hey! Sorry for not publishing in a while. I didn't really know what I want to put in this story, so now I do! Hope you enjoyed. I may be able to get one out next week. Bye!
      Yours truly,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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