The bringger of death

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Mark's POV~

I look to a woman in the room who is standing by this huge computer. Something in me is saying she's trouble and I should keep an eye on her. The green haired man is trying to speak to me but I'm not listening. I start to walk over to the woman who is reaching for a large knife.

"What are you doing?" I ask her, she retracts her arm from the knife.

"I'm going to get rid of the scum that is in this room, including you Mr. Doe." She grabs the knife and holds it up to me and is starting to walk over to the little girl.

I lunge at her, knocking the knife out of her hand and putting her in a quarter-half hold. She tries to get the knife with her foot but I push it away.

"Mark. What are you doing?" The green haired man asks me.

"This woman is trying to kill us. So that she can take the little girl." I say.

"You don't even know their names. Do you, Mr. Doe?"

"Shut up lady, I am not letting you take the little girl."

"Oh but Mr. Doe, You don't even know who you are."

"Shut up Jesse!" I yell, then it hits me, she's taken over. "What demon entered your mind? Besides the one that's you."

"Oh, now he's getting it. If only he can understand that I'm an old friend."

"And which old friend would that be? You aren't Dark or Anti, they wouldn't take over their own daughter. Are you Dob or Dade? Can you answer that or are you someone else?" I ask.

"Oooh, close. Very, very, very close. Maybe you should keep asking and see if I remember."

"You bitch. Let Jesse go. She never did anything to deserve this."

"Mr. Doe, maybe you should name the others toys in the room before you name me."

"Who should I name first then?"

"How about the man with green hair. Do you know his name?"

I look at him, wanting so dearly to remember who this man is. I can't think straight. Things are going haywire in my brain.


"Didn't think so. How about the pink mustached man."


"Hmm. Do you know the two boys?"

"I don't know! Now let Jesse go before I kill you and her!"

"Name me first, Mr. Doe."

I think a moment, who else could this be? Then something flips a switch in my brain. It's glitchiplier.

"Ya know glitch, you really need to work on your acting."

"Well done Mr. Doe. I'm quite surprised that you figured it out with out the knowledge of the one you love. Welp, time to go."

"You aren't going anywhere." Dark say lifting his hand.

Glitch comes out of Jesse's body and she falls to the ground. I look at him and he looks crazy.

 I look at him and he looks crazy

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"It's game over for you, pal." I say to him as he is turned back into code.

"Don't think I won't be back Mr. Doe." He says before he is turned into pure code.

He disappears and I start to walk to the computer to turn it off. The green haired man stops me and looks into my eyes, looking for something. He looks down in disappointment. I lift his head and look into his eyes, finding confusion, heart-break, and disappointment. I know this man on a personal level, but I can't place who he is. I kiss him. He kisses back with tears rolling down his cheeks. I pull away and wipe the tears off his face. He looks down again.

"It'll be okay Sean. I remember most things."

His head snaps up at me saying his real name. I chuckle at this. He kisses me again, this time with more need than just going along with it. I pull him close to me and he smiles into the kiss. He wraps his arms around my neck.

"Please stop tutoring us with all the lovey dovey stuff." Sam says.

I pull away reluctantly and smile at them.

"Don't worry we're done for now." I say.

"Thank the lor- wait, for now?" Tim asks.

I chuckle and turn to the computer. I type in a few things and look at Tiny box Tim and Septiceye Sam. I nod to them and they nod back. They come up to the computer and press buttons to turn it off. Once it's off we all head upstairs, I carry Jesse up. Wilfred leaves and Jesse wakes up.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Glitch came, nearly killed us, and left after he tried to be in his physical form." Dark told her.

"Crap." She said rubbing her temples. 

"Jess, we have to go soon." Anti says.

"Do I have to go with you?" She asks.

"I'm afraid so." Dark says.

"I'll miss you." Vicki says hugging Dark's legs.

"Heh, Maybe. Oh, and Happy Birthday." Dark say ruffling her hair.

"Thanks grandpa Dark." Vicki says with a smile.

He coughs and opens the portal to their dimension and says that they better go. Jesse comes up to me and hugs me.

"Promise me you'll take care of her." 

"I promise. She's safe here."

"Thanks Mark."

She lets go and walks into the portal, followed by Dark and Anti. The portal closes and Vicki comes over to me and hugs my legs. Jack then comes out with a small cake that he made. 

"Happy Birthday!" We say all at once

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"Happy Birthday!" We say all at once.

She smiles and blows out the candles.(a/n i know there aren't candles in the picture) After everything's done we sit on the sofa and joke. After Vicki, Tim, and Sam headed to bed Jack and I just talked.

"Why didn't you tell me about the dream?" He asks out of the blue.

"I wasn't ready to accept that I was dreaming that way."

"You should have told me, besides I'm always here for you."

"Heh, yeah."

"Mark, I love you. And nothing will EVER change that."

"I love you too."

We continue to talk for a while longer. We laughed at how stupid some of the jokes we made were. I missed this feeling, being able to talk about whatever we wanted, not worrying about kids over hearing us. This feeling is good.

"Mark, we are fuck buddies right?" (reference from a one-shot I just read by Geeky_Idiot)


"Then what are we doing just sitting on a couch talking?"

I smile. I know exactly what he means. Time for some fun.

*And they fucked in the end. Isn't that lovely? I think it is. See all you lovely masturbation Nekos in the next book!*

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