July 21st, 1943

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Caitlin Snow was walking down the street after finishing a study session at the library. She had nowhere to study since her school had been bombed so she had to improvise with what she did have.
She walked to her house and just as she was about to unlock code the door she noticed a family moving in next door. Curiously, she walked towards them to introduce herself.
"Hi, I'm Caitlin Snow. I live next door," she called out. Just as she said it a teenage boy about her age walked out and it was like love at first sight.
For many moments, they were gazing at each other romantically. It was straight out of the movies that she had seen at the movie theatre downtown. Not that she ever really believed in them but she always secretly hoped that it would happen to her and now it actually was.
"I'm Barry Allen," he replied, still looking into her eyes.
"Maybe, if you want, I could... Maybe... Show you around town?" She offered, hoping he'd say yes.
"I'd love to. I'll just go check with my mom," he replied then disappeared and returned a few seconds later with a smile that made her blush. "Let's go," and they joined hands and walked away together with happy and blushing smiles.

After a tour of the town, it started to go dark and the two of them were still together, getting to know each other. They were sitting on the beach and talking and blushing and laughing like they had known each other their whole lives. And the more they knew about each other the more their love at first sight feelings for each other grew.
"So, why did you move here?" Caitlin asked.
"My dad is fighting in the war and our old town has been destroyed so my mother brought myself and her here. Right, next to you," Barry replied. "As soon as I turn eighteen I'm planning on joining the war," he continued.
"Oh," was she only thing she could say.
"But that's not for another year," he assured, figuring that it wasn't the best thing to say. He really didn't want to mess this up because he really likes her and if he was leaving in a year then she might change her mind about... Well, whatever their relationship was.
Without thinking, Barry quickly pressed his lips to hers and she kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck and they lay on the sand slightly and kissed even more passionately, the kiss heating up.
After a few minutes, they parted but still were holding each other and trying to calm their ragged breaths.

They finally left the beach hand in hand and parted at Caitlin's door.
"I'll see you tomorrow," she whispered. Like when they were kissing on the beach earlier her arms were wrapped around his neck and their foreheads were connected.
"Yeah," Barry replied and they kissed again on her doorstep. Eventually, they pulled apart and they parted leaving them both completely love struck and it felt so good. They both fell asleep with their thoughts fixed on each other and the night they had spent together and their dreams only about the other. But they missed the part where that was such a bad thing...

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