Words from the Writer

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So, guys.
This is the end of my 'Alice's Life in Wonderland' story. : )
I actually typed and printed out the story on the 13th December, 2016 (The day of completion).
I gave my friends to read first.
Why not? They are so supportive and have been asking to read it since the day I revealed I'm writing a new book!
What do you think?
I am not an experienced Wattpad person, and I don't really know what people's hopes are. Come on, I just joined last October (2016)!
Well, okay.
First I wanna say a few words:
1. I am obsessed with Wonderland.
2. I love Alice stories.
3. I love writing.
4. I love drawing.
5. I am quite proud of this piece of work.
6. I hope you enjoy it.
7. Besides, my parents are dying to read this : 0
8. This is my first and worst (IMO) romance story I ever wrote.
Next, I need to thank a few people:
1. My classmate:
Thanks for giving me advice, though I didn't use any. You're the 5th person to read my story : D Thanks for the support.
She has a Wattpad account to, it is:
(Fanfiction Parasite, if you don't like me telling everyone about you, I am sorry!
2. My BFFs:
First, Clover Darling:
You started this all, princess. And you made me so crazed about Wonderland. (You are kind of a Wonderland Freak too) Thanks for being my No.1 supporter. You're so nervous about reading this.
Second, Suelam Peters:
You are so dying to read this when Clover got hold of it. I was thinking if I should give this to you, cuz it was a really bad book. But anyway, you liked it! You may not be an English literature lover, but you're awesome and Chinese Writing. Go on!
Lastly, Stella Starr:
You spent our whole singing practise section reading my book. Love you, girl. One day, you will publish your own books and shine like a star, just like your name.
3. My sister:
Hey, sis. Hate you so.
Keep peeking my works before I am finished?
I will take Revenge! Merida Stevenson (that is not her real name, Meranda is not my real name either) you are so dead!
Anyway, thanks.
Please follow her on Wattpad!
She is Marsaline1225.
Okay, enough of the thanking.
I have some serious stuff to tell.
Which I will say in the next part.

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