Wrench x Reader - That Girl

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Note: Here is Wrench since most of you requested. I hope everyone enjoyed it.

"Hey Marcus, who the new member?" Wrench walked over to where you and Marcus stood.

"Wrench this is (y/n), (y/n) this is Wrench. She just joined us today." Marcus introduced the both of you to each other.

"Wait, are you The Wrench? I've heard you from someone before. Never have I ever imagine to meet you up close." You were a bit surprised.

"Yup, I am The Wrench. I bet that person knows what there up to, since they know me. You my lady, have the privilege to meet me up close." His mask lights up to different emoticons and gentlemanly bowed at you.

"Well, I'll leave the two of you to catch up on stuff and Wrench don't forget to show her around the Hackerspace, alright?" Marcus was kinda off in a hurry of doing a mission that Sitara had told him earlier.

"Sure, sure Marcus. Don't you worry, she'll have a blast when I show her around the Hackerspace." Wrench made the ^^ emoticon while waving his hand to send Marcus away on his mission.

"You know Wrench, I may not know Dedsec that much, but you guys seem pretty hardcore on what you guys do. In terms of doing what's right." You folded your arms and faced Wrench.

"It's just that we intended to keep people in a safe environment and all that stuff. I guess you'll be able to pick it up the whole process if you do the missions properly. Or probably talk with the others." Wrench relaxed himself on the nearest working table.

"So basically, keep people safe is by killing out the ctOS 2.0 system at all cost is that it?" You questioned.

"Pretty much. Say (y/n), I wanted to show you something on the 3D printer?" Wrench leads the way.

"Sure, why not?" You followed him behind.


After hours on end of the tour in the hackerspace (brought to you by the famous Wrench), Marcus just got back from his mission and went over to were the two of you are, which is at the couch.

"Hey guys, so did you both have fun?" Marcus behind both of you with his arms crossed.

"You bet. By the way Marcus, is it true that you have meet Aiden Pearce? Like face to face or just through the CCTV?" You asked him curiously.

"Yeah I did meet the vigilante, Aiden Pearce. Truth be told, I helped him through CCTV to get away from a gang. But hey at least I met him metaphorically speaking." Marcus seemed like he was in a uncomfortable situation.

"That's cool. I wish I could meet him in person, just like Ray over there." You signaled your head to where the Ray was standing.

"I am really happy to meet you too (y/n). By the way Marcus, could you help Sitara and I on something?" Ray asks Marcus still standing behind you and Wrench.

"Sure, why not." Marcus left the you and Wrench get back to talking with each other.

"Anyways Wrench, thanks for being my tour guide for today, I had lots of fun to be honest. I have one last question for you before I go back home." You gazed back towards Wrench who was sitting to your left on the couch.

"You're welcome. Sure." Wrench was basically smiling behind the mask of his.

"Wanna have coffee tomorrow?" You asked.

"With you, I would love to." Wrench answered, making you slightly blush.

"Okay, meet me tomorrow morning at Brewed Delight. Do you have your phone on you right now?" You informed Wrench.

"Yeah, here you go." He handed to you.

You took the phone and typed in your phone number then saved it. As you are about to hand it back to Wrench, Sitara secretly overheard both of your conversation earlier and smirked.

"I guess someone has got a date tomorrow. Don't forget to take a picture and post it on ScoutX, if you might recommend us on the coffee shop." She told you, making both of you and Wrench blush.

"Oh come on Sitara, let the lovebirds have their time together." T-Bone told her.

"Smile guys!" Marcus took a picture of you and Wrench still blushing.

"Quit it guys! Anyways (y/n), I guess I'll me you tomorrow?" Wrench was annoyed on how his team was teasing him and you.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow Wrench." Handing his phone back to him and grab your back.

As soon as you got out of the hackerspace, Marcus stood beside Wrench and smiled.

"Dude, I know what you're thinking and you better drop it." Wrench saw the smug look on Marcus's face.

"Oh come on Wrench, you know how I like teasing you? By the way, I really love the first photo that I have taken of you and (y/n). I'm afraid I have to post it on social media or maybe send it to (y/n)." Marcus wondered.

"I really hate it when you do that to me Marcus. Why not just send it to (y/n)? She'll probably keep it." Wrench went over to his work table, grabbing things he wanted to fix.

"Whatever you say homie. One more thing before I go, I hope this girl will be the right one for you Wrench." Marcus told Wrench.

"Keep hoping Marcus, 'cause I am really sure that I can be with her for longer." Wrench assured him.

"Sure do man, I better get going see you tomorrow. Don't sleep late tonight, your date's tomorrow might not wanna miss it." Marcus nudge Wrench on his left arm.

"Yeah, after this I'll be going. See you tomorrow Marcus." Wrench saying his goodbye to Marcus and went back to fixing his stuff.

After Marcus was gone he sighed and thought to himself, I can't believe that (y/n) wanted to go out on a date with me tomorrow, lets see how it goes tomorrow.

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