Wrench x Male Reader

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Note: Requested by user79800444. I hope you like it. In this scenario it happens before and after Marcus joins the group.


DedSec was a huge part of my life, ever since I left home at a very young age and being a young tech prodigy led me into the hacker group. You have done several odd jobs that never led you to stay longer at any of it, since you are avoiding your physical and digital footprint as much as possible; to which leads you staying with a group of friends that consists of Josh, Sitara, Wrench and Horatio.

Currently, you are at your desk in the HQ doing some coding, while the others are doing their random daily plans, until you are disturbed by a familiar voice.

"Yo (Y/n)! Watcha doing?" Wrench curiously asked.

"Just doing some work. Need anything, bro?" You asked back.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Quinkies and grab some lunch with me." He told you.

"Sure. I'll be right with you. Just let me finish this coding for a bit, alright?" You said.

"Alright. I'll wait upstairs at the comic book store." Wrench informed you and walked off.

A few minutes later, you walked upstairs to meet Wrench and both of you are off to Quinkies. It wasn't far from the HQ and it was the usual Quinkies branch that Wrench preferred to go to. The both of you sat at the bar where it is overlooking outside and enjoying your meal.

"Sorry to interrupt, you boys need anything else?" A female waitress came up to us and asked.

"No, we good. Thank you." You simply told her.

"I would love to see you give me a smile." Wrench said flirtatiously.

The female waitress processed to give Wrench a smile and he was satisfied; she then walked back to work.

"So, you know every since I've been living my whole life with practically you, Sitara, Josh and Horatio. Don't you get sick of me? or each other in general?" You curiously asked.

"Well, to be honest. We are pretty chaotic group of friends, which ends up having to deal with one another. I wouldn't trade anything else for it." Wrench answered.

"Same here." You told him.

"At first, I didn't know if all of us could you know, click with one another. I was anxious, due to the fact that we're all strangers. But somehow, we are able to work together without any problem." Wrench said as he was reminiscing.

"Shit man. I didn't know that you have a soft spot." You jokingly told him.

"I am a man of many things. Anyways, lets go and grab a beer then to Baker Beach we go!" Wrench spoke and exited out of Quinkies.

Before you follow Wrench outside, you got a call from Sitara and answered the call.

"Hey Sitara, what's up?" You asked.

"I need you and Wrench to come back at the HQ now. It looks like we are gonna get a new member tonight." She told you through the phone.

"Okay, we'll be there." You answered back then ended the call.

By the time you went out of Quinkies, you informed Wrench that the both of you needed to go back to the HQ. To which he animated a sad eyes on his mask. As soon as both of you arrived at the HQ, Sitara and Josh was already busy with the new kid.

"Consider this your Dedsec initiation, Retr0. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to bypass Blume's security doors and get inside, then find and erase your personal ctOS profile." Sitara told through the phone.

"Whatever they have on me... it's all bullshit--and I'm sick of getting harassed for it." Marcus replied.

"All the more reason for a purge. We'll be watching." Sitara said.

"Try to keep up." Marcus cockily said.

"By the way, we put this playlist together to set the mood. Hope you like it." She spoke before ending the call.

Halfway through the mission you and Wrench have taken an interest in this new initiate, both of you look at each other, practically thinking the same thing.

"Okay guys, I need you to get the car started and we will be waiting at the pick up point for the new initiate." Sitara ordered.

You, Wrench and Horatio are the first ones to get into the car, while waiting for Sitara and Josh in just a matter of seconds. After you and the group arrived at the location, patiently waiting for Marcus to escape the ctOS building, low and behold he came out the back door right on time.

"Fuck you, Blume." Marcus cursed.

Wrench immediately covered Marcus' head with a bag, thank goodness Marcus didn't struggle much and complied. The group then brought Marcus to a beach near the Golden Gate Bridge, as they arrived and settled Marcus on his knees on the ground, removing the bag that was covering his head.

"So...? Am I in?" Marcus asked unsurely.

Sitara walked and stood in front of Marcus.

"Welcome to DedSec." She simply told him.

You and Wrench help standing Marcus up off the ground and cut the binding on his wrist. After that is done, Sitara introduced each of us including herself to Marcus. 

"I'm Sitara. This sweetheart is Josh, AKA: 'Hawt Sauce.'" Sitara started off.

"Yo, You're Hawt Sauce? Man, I LOVED your Frat House hack. Real Talk." Marcus spoke enthusiastically.

"Thanks." Josh replied.

"This weirdo is Wrench." Sitara continued.

"The needs of the many." Wrench said as he raises his peace hand sign.

"This fashionista right here is (Y/n)." She points at you.

"'Sup man. I'll be looking forward for you to be working with us side by side." You simply gave him a friendly smile.

"And this Casanova is Horatio." Sitara finished her introduction.

"What's up brother." Horatio gave Marcus a greeting.

"What's up man." Marcus happily greeted Horatio.

Marcus then took a few steps back taking in the group that is right in front of his eyes.

"It's the crew, huh?" He said.

"Took y'all long enough to come get me, Shit." Marcus continued.

The six of you talked the night away at the beach surrounding the campfire.

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