He's Back...

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In The Void...

The bright light dispersed and slowly faded. The chains wrapped around the boy started to slowly release him. The boy fell but he landed as light as a feather. Elizabeth smiled, "Hmm, that worked". The boy realized that he is already free from the duty of being the Great Seal. "I'm free? I'm free! I'm fre- wait" Minato looked at the great golden door, it was still intact. "If I'm free, then that should have been destroyed" he wondered. "It will remain intact I assure you my dear guest" Elizabeth answered.

"Elizabeth? You did this?" Minato asked. Elizabeth suddenly fell down but lucky enough that she was caught by the blue haired boy who looked at her with gratitude. "I certainly did but in doing so cost me all of my powers. I am no longer the Avatar of Power" She answered with a faint smile, obviously looking tired. "You didn't have to. But thank you" Minato thanked her. Then he helped her up holding her right hand. "But right now you are neglecting your duties as Igor's attendant" Minato addressed her. "I resigned on my own accord. Because like I said before, I get to choose my own path" she answered making Minato remember the ultimate opponent request.

"Heh, you were serious. But what about Theo and... Margaret?" Minato asked one more question. Elizabeth went silent. "I understand" Minato broke the silence. "Can you walk?" He asked. Elizabeth tried to move her left leg, "No I apologize" Elizabeth replied. "That's fine. Don't worry about it" Minato puts his arm around her back and carefully lifted her, bridal style. "My my..." Elizabeth muttered. While they were talking, Minato spotted a velvet room door. "Well I suggest we get a move on" Elizabeth said while looking at the door. Minato swallowed, "This better not lead us to the Velvet room, Margaret might take my head..." Elizabeth giggled.

Minato slowly walked towards the door with Elizabeth on his arms. Minato once again swallowed a big lump, "Please don't be the Velvet Room". As soon as he opened the door, they met a bright light...

Back at the dorm...

Junpei, Akihiko, and Yukari were still in the lounge drinking tea talking about past events and there current situations, "Do you guys still remember what happened in March 31st?" Yukari asked. "Please don't remind me, that was literally yesterday" Akihiko informed her. Yukari suddenly realized, "Oh, I'm so sorry. It's just because I still can't get over the fact that he was gone, in an instant". "Yeah, although we found out how, I still can't... shake it off" Junpei sighed in agreement. While they were talking, somebody started climbing down the stairs, it was Mitsuru. She was drinking coffee, "Hey, it's a Sunday. We all still have class tomorrow. Especially you two" she was pointing at Yukari and Junpei. "Well I'll leave you guys to it" Akihiko went to his room. "I'll be staying here for a bit" Junpei took a sip on his tea. "I'll go on ahead see you guys tomorrow" Yukari walked over to her room. Mitsuru sat down and read a fashion magazine, "Senpai, I didn't know you were into fashion" Junpei wondered. "It was Minato who introduced me to these things" Mitsuru informed him.

In the Cemetary...

Minato woke up on something rough, he was lying on a tomb. "What the?" he looked at the tomb. "Great hero? Seriously?" he smiled while reading the engravings. He sat up and noticed somebody holding his hand... it was Elizabeth. "She's still tired. Oh well" Minato said to himself. He carefully lifted the sleeping elevator attendant and started walking to the only place that he would go to... Iwatodai dorm.

Hello, this is my first Persona fanfiction. Reading this and giving some comments will be greatly appreciated. Oh yeah, should I introduce new characters in the story? If so, what would their names be and there background? Leave your suggestions.

A Year Later... (Persona 3 Fanfic) - DISCONTINUED/ABANDONEDWhere stories live. Discover now