Cinderella Part 5 - (MJJ Imagine No. 29)

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After the table is cleared Will suggests they go out onto the balcony. They walk out together and Samantha is surprised at the size of the balcony.

"Wow. I never knew there were actually balconies on this castle. This one is a good size. You could eat out here, dance a little." She walks over to the wall. "Apparently this balcony was not made for people my height." Will laughs. He walks over to her and takes her hand.

"It's a good thing I had a look at this place first." He walks her along the wall a few feet and stops in front of a wooden platform with two steps.

"For me?"

"For you."

"Thank you."

"My pleasure." They both walk up the steps and look out over Magic Kingdom. "This is beautiful," she tells him.

It's you who's beautiful. I need to tell her.

"Look," she exclaims while pointing straight ahead. "You can see Frontierland. That's my favorite place. I love the Swiss Family Robinson Tree, Tom Sawyer Island, Davy Crockett Explorer Canoes, Mark Twain River Boat, Rivers of America, and the Walt Disney World Railroad." He laughs. "What?"

"Is there anything left in Frontierland?"

"Nope. I love it all." They laugh together. "What's your favorite place here?" He places his hands on her shoulders, turns her to her right a little, and points to Fantasyland.

"Peter Pan's Flight. I love Peter Pan. I've been to Disneyland in California and Peter Pan is not in this ride like he is here." She looks up at him.

"It's not? How do you have Peter Pan's Flight without Peter Pan?"

"According to Walt Disney, as we're flying over London, we're Peter Pan and the ride is from his view."

"Interesting concept," she state. "And confusing." He laughs. "Any other favorites?"

"Mission to Mars."

"That was awesome. I wish we went through that one a couple times."

"So do I. I also loved Space Mountain. Roller coasters are the best ride. So exhilarating!"

"Never again." He laughs.

"Why not?"

"I hate roller coasters."

"But you went on it."

"Only because you were excited about riding it. Other than that, I would have taken a wide berth around that place." He laughs out loud. "Glad you find me amusing."

"Amusing, interesting, and curious." He continues to laugh as we walks down the steps, turns around to face her, and holds out his hand. "You read my note?"

"I only got a chance to read it right before you walked in."

"What was the last thing I wrote in it?"

"You have a surprise for me."

"Come dance with me for a little bit and then I'll show you your surprise."

"This whole evening isn't my surprise?" He shakes his head no. She walks down the steps and takes his left hand. He steps in close to her and puts his right arm around her and rests his hand on the middle of her back. He draws her in close to him and starts slow dancing with her. She rests her head against him.

I'm going to miss him so much. He's been so fun and comfortable to be around. He's also such a gentleman. I feel so at ease with him. I don't want tonight to end.

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