Cinderella - Part 1 (MJJ Imagine No.29)

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I'm so excited! I decided to take a year off between high school and college, much to my parents' dismay, to spend some time traveling to places I've always wanted to visit in the U.S. before I end up buckled down and tied to school then a job. First stop, Disney World in Orlando, Florida where Michael Jackson's Captain EO opened a year ago. I wanted to be there on opening day last year, but I was stuck in school so I decided to wait until summer. Then I decided I really didn't feel like dealing with the crowds. It is Michael Jackson after all! I also decided I didn't want to deal with the summer heat and humidity of Florida so I planned my trip to begin this October; that way school was back session and Thanksgiving break was still a month away. I planned to go during the week because it would be less crowded and I was right. There's still a crowd, but it's not overwhelming like summer and school vacation crowds.

Captain EO is only 17 minutes, but it feels like it's taking forever to get in. I'm so glad I brought my notebook with me so I could write. I've been sitting here on the floor since the three groups before me went in. I feel highly inspired. You see, I write short stories with Michael Jackson as the reader's boyfriend, fiancé, or husband. I enjoy writing these little stories for my friends. Some fan club and teen magazines out there ask fans to send in fictional stories they've written of celebrities they admire and love, but I'm too chicken to send in any of my writing. What if Michael ended up seeing what I wrote somehow? How embarrassing would that be?

Yes! It's time to head in! I am super, super excited! This will be as close as I ever get to seeing him in person!

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Oh . . . my . . . gosh! That was incredible! He's so cute! I love his soft voice when he talks. It's so different than his voice when he's singing. I've never been to anything like this before. It's a 3D movie, but it has smoke and lasers, too. The chairs rumble with explosions and crashes. And geez! We even got sprayed with water every time Hooter sneezed! That felt gross the first time it happened. Right now I just exited the building and I'm walking right back to the entrance so I can go through it again. I love it!

Here I am sitting on the floor once more while waiting in line for my second go at Captain EO. At this point, after watching Michael on the big screen, my ideas for writing a short story are all over the place so I decide to write whatever happens to pop into my head. Every time I look up to think, I catch this guy sitting on the floor across from me looking at me. I give him a quick smile and each time he gets all shy and looks away. He doesn't make me nervous or anything, so I try to ignore him but his shyness and embarrassment at getting caught make me giggle. I will say though, I do like his doe-like brown eyes. There's something familiar about them, but I haven't a clue why.

After about 45 minutes, I'm ushered in with the rest of the crowd for the next showing of Captain EO. When it's over, I walk out feeling the same way I did after the first time through. I decide I'm going to go through five more times to make it seven viewings since seven is Michael's favorite number and I'm a huge fan of not only Michael Jackson, but of Michael, the man, as well. Not long after I get in line and sit on the floor to write again while I'm waiting, I look up and see that same guy sitting on the floor across from me looking at me. I decide to continue looking at him.

He's here again? Why is he sitting across from me again and why does he keep looking at me?

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