Tic Tac Personality Pack

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“What’s wrong with you?” The happiest one in the group asked to the boy right below him. “Turn that frown upside down!”

“What’s wrong is you’re starting to crush me, and I just want to be up at the top. At least you’re closer than I.”

Approximately forty white, ovular beings were all crowded together. As you can imagine, many were bickering and the diverse personalities were starting to fuse and fume together in many unfortunate quarrelsome ways.

One poor fellow, on the bottom of the dog pile, was already passed out from exhaustion of supporting the ones above. Steve, he was always picked last, and unfortunately this brought more pain for him.

Shaylee, the local flirt, however, was perched up high near the top, already with her lips pursed. She was clearly pawing after the cutest fellow around, Johnston. He, however, was not interested in the hussy’s tactics, as she tried to kiss him over and over. Unknowing of what to, John stayed crunched in the crowd with a surprised look on his face, trying to decipher what to do. Where could he go? He was trapped in plastic.

Torrance grew more and more angry and upset as he sat shoved with no choice but to watch as his ex Shaylee attempted to kiss his best friend Johnston.

Tam had an unfortunate cold at this time, and she sat sandwiched between couples as she sneezed continuously.

Christian giggled and stuck his tongue out menacingly as he lay on top of the younger twins. He was the habitat’s class clown, and the part time bully.

Hannah, the nicest ever, watched in hopeless horror as the bully pinned the twins against the bottom.

Preston happily munched away, watching the drama of the pack unfold around him. He grinned his fluffy cheeks and continued to chew joyfully.

Pouty Petunia did what she best- pouted. She was feeling ostracized so she simply stayed put, frowning and trying to attract people feeling sorry for her.

Charlie was always negative, and unfortunately for him he was next to Petunia. He was immensely tired of her whining.

Creepy Caity lounged behind everyone, smiling as wide as he possibly could.

The group continued to bicker, and bicker, and bicker. I, however, was growing hungry and my breath was starting to have a slight odor. Opening the green seal, I tipped the pack and three little guys stared up at me in horror, as I popped them one by one into my mouth. I ate and ate until none of the tics tacs were left inside the minty pack.

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