Chapter 1

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The last bell rung, that signaled that all the classes were over, and that it was finally time to go home.

Without hesitation, many of the students rushed past all the doors, and just ran out. It was Friday meaning that there was no school tomorrow and that they had time to finally relax and take a break from all the school work and stress.

"Bye, (Name)!"
"See you later, (Name)!"
"See you next week, (Name)!"
"Have a good afternoon, (Name)!"

All these comments were said to her as she gathered all of the things she needed to prepare herself to go home.

You see, (Name) (Surname) was pretty well known, she wasn't popular or anything like that, she was just well known. Lots of people seemed to adore her.

But one thing that she had that all of the popular kids here didn't was that she was actually a nice person, overall and was pretty chill. She had a kind heart, something that they didn't have.

But, there was something that she had in common with all the other popular girls.

She cared about her looks.

As shallow and selfish as it sounds, it was true. Whenever she was our in public she would always style her hair, dress nicely, and applied makeup, but not too much.

But whenever she was at her house, she would do the complete opposite. Her hair would be messy, she would remove all her makeup, and she actually wore glasses.

She liked to study a lot too, she was like a nerd, and that's not because she wears glasses and likes to study.

If anyone saw what she did when she was at her house she would never bare for people to see her ever again.

With that being said though. She quickly gathered all her things and left.


"Mom, I'm home!" She said as she entered her home and locked the door behind her.

"Welcome home, dear!" An enthusiastic middle-aged woman with (h/c) hair said as she smiled at her daughter.

(Name) grabbed an apple from the table and made her way upstairs, "I'm going to my room and study."

As (Name) left, her mother couldn't help but smile worriedly, "She never learns."


After spending countless hours of studying, she heard her mom yell, "(Name)! Come down here!"

She made her way downstairs, "Yes?"

"I want you to go run arrends for me." Her mom said with a bright smile.

(Name) who was dressed in (f/c) sweatpants, a tight black tank top, her hair was tied up in a messy bun, and still had her glasses on, frowned at her mother.

Of course, the middle-aged woman noticed her daughters actions, already aware of why she was frowning, "Oh! Don't worry! The store is almost two blocks away! And besides, I don't see any of your classmates going there." She winked.

(Name) took a second to think about this, "Fine." Was simply all she said.

Her mom gladly gave her the money and the list of things that she wanted her to buy.


The (h/c) haired girl finally arrived at her destination, and as she entered her mom was actually right. There wasn't many people there.

Everything was going fine until she heard something that she very much displeased.

"Hey, (Name)! Is that you?"

She turned around only to see the one and only, Gold Hibiki. The school's heartthrob, if you may.

"E-excuse me?!" (Name) only turned around, trying to cover up much of her face.

"Ah, I knew it was you. You know, anyone could know it was you with those curves of yours." Gold said, she still hadn't turned around but she could've sworn Gold licked his lips and smirked down at her. (Everyone is beautiful! I just had to use that because Gold's personality is very, well, uh.. Perverted?? Ahhh, sorry if I offended anyone)

(Name) and Gold never really talked much, they would pass each other in the hallways but they were never seen together, better yet, talking.

"W-whatever! Just g-go away!" She yelled, oh how she hated how she was stuttering.

"But what if I don't want to?" Gold took multiple steps forward, he grabbed her by her wrist and forced her to turn around.

(Name) panicked, she dropped her items and got out of Gold's grasp and ran out.

By the time she got home, she locked the door and sat on a chair in the kitchen.

"(Name)?! Where are the items I asked for you to buy?!" Her mother screamed, her eyes searching if you had anything in your hands.

"I-I'm sorry I just had to.." She said as she tried to restore her breathing rate.

(Name) went up to her room, immediately lying down on her bed and rethinking everything that had happened.

"How am I supposed to go to school now? He's probably told a lot of people by now." She said out loud, a worried sigh following.

She placed her right arm over her eyes, "I hate my life."


The weekend flew by sockingly fast, much to (Name)'s dismay.

When she arrived to school everyone started to look at her, the accurate loud halls were now replaced with quiet ones.

(Name) shifted uncomfortably. Thoughts ran into her head, 'Had Gold told them about what had happened on Friday?'

The female hurriedly rushed towards her locker, as she gathered her things as fast as she could to prepare for her class.

As she got to her homeroom she could feel the stares from people behind her, it only took about 10 minutes and she had enough.

"What?" She said rather harshly, looking at the people around her.

"What do you mean, (Name)?" One of her classmates who goes by the name of Yellow spoke up.

"Why are you guys all looking at me?" She asked rather harshly once again, quite irritated, really.

"We're not looking at you." Another classmate, Blue joined into the conversation.

"Then what are you guys looking at?" (Name) once again asked a question, her face showed confusion.

Then, the whole class pointed to the board, (Name) turned to look at the board and there in perfectly neat handwriting wrote.

'I hope you studied for your test over the weekend. I'm running late today so be prepared - Prof. Oak'

"Oh," was all the (h/c) girl could say.

(Name) was now starting to think the day wasn't going to be all that bad after all. Well, it would have been better, but unfortunately for her, she did not study for her test.

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