"I'm going to take her back to the hotel and make sure she gets to sleep." Victor had to stay with Yurio and Otobek so he let Yuuri go. Yuuri walked you out. Please take note Yuuri is also tipsy.

Once you and Yuuri got to your hotel room he laid you down on the one king sized bed. When he laid you down you pulled him over you to where you are now sitting on top of him.

"Yuuri I love you." You kissed his lips roughly. He placed his hands on your hips and almost ass.

"Victoria I don't think we should."

"Shut up and fuck me."


"Do you not love me?" You ask while rolling off of him.

"No no I love you I just think we sho-" he got cut off by you muttering curse words as you took your dress off and put one of his over sized tshirts on.

"Yuuri I want this. You did say you wanted children." I say with a straight face. If you were drunk the stupidity and unable to make good decisions wore off after about thirty minuets yet your memory would be fuzzy and almost nonexistent.

"Okay if you say so." He pinned you down and started sucking on your neck. You let out a soft moan and giggled.

{I'm ending that there. Let's skip to the morning!}
Victoria's pov

My eyes fluttered open to meet the face of my fiancé. He didn't have his glasses on and the natural lighting from the shades made him look heavenly. I went to get up but when I take the covers off my hand brushed against bare skin. I lifted the covers to I was naked and so was Yuuri. I grabbed a robe from the chair beside the bed. I stood up and wrapped that around my petite frame.

I went into the bathroom and saw my make up ruined and a trail of hickeys on my neck. I went back out to the room and saw our clothes scattered all over the room. I know what happened here I decided to get dressed. I put on my undergarments, a black tshirt, a white and black scarf, and pink jeans. I went to Yurios room. He always listens.

I knock twice and get a muffled 'coming'.

"What do you want Tori? It's 10am." You pushed him in his room and went right in after.

"I need you to promise to not tell Victor." I say while taking off my scarf.

"What is so--Oh my fucking god." Yurio said as I moved my hair to reveal the hickeys.

"That bastard!" I glared at Yurio.

"No. I know Yuuri he wouldn't have done this if I hadn't said it was ok. I can make rational decisions when I need to when I'm drunk. Just don't tell Victor. On top of this I don't know if I'm pregnant or not! I don't think we used protection." Yurio nodded and took out his phone.

"I'm calling Mila she'll know what to do!" I nodded and went over or Yurio's luggage. I took out a outfit and laid it out for him.

"She's on her way." I whispered a quick ok before I called Yuuri. Why I'm not telling Victor you may ask. Because he's a protective bitch.

"Yuri open up!" Mila's voice demands I open the door to see her push my shoe away to see if what Yuri said was true. She smiled and gave me a box.

"Here it's a pregnancy test. I always carry one on me. I'll have Yurio call Yuuri you go take the test." I smile and hugged my best friend I did everything the rest told me to and it came up positive. A tear of joy slipped out of my eye. I flushed the toilet and went out side to see the eyes of Yuuri, Yurio, and Mila.

"I'm pregnant!" I say while pointing at the test.

"I'm going to be a dad!?" Yuuri asks while hugging me
"I'm going to be a auntie!" Mila says while joking the hug.
"I'm going to be a big brother!" Yurio says while jumping on Mila.

After a few minutes we all went to the lobby to get breakfast. Yuuri's arm was around my waist the whole time.

"Yuuri the only one that doesn't know is Victor."

"What do I not know?" Victor asks while sitting next to Yurio and Mila.

"Victor promise not to flip out?" He nodded and sipped his latte

"You're going to be an uncle." He nodded and bit into a muffin.

"Vitya I'm pregnant with Yuuri's child. You will be an uncle in 9 months!" I say a bit more sternly. He looked over at Yuuri and I.

"I'm very proud of you Victoria."  I looked at Yuuri.

"я люблю тебя" I said
"わたしは、あなたを愛しています" he said
"I love you." We said in unison.

---THE END!! AH BABIES~~~~ any who the sequel will be coming out in a few days or later tonight. For now good bye!

~Kat 🖤

I'm Nikiforov, Russia's Jewel Where stories live. Discover now