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Yuuri's pov

"Welcome back Yuuri!" Minako sensei says while holding up a banner.

"Hey." I respond, Victoria and Victor skate today. Victoria is beating her brother in almost everything. Popularity Polls,Scores,Costume,and over all gold medals.

"May I shake your hand?" A old lady asks, I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know who I am.

---Victor's pov---

Tori's becoming less inspired and she's to young to take a break. I wonder what caused this sudden change in her skating but it's not that good. Yes she's doing amazingly as always! But sometimes you can feel she's not 100% there.

"Victor. Tori said she's ready to leave." We have a event in Tokyo, this is good since she loves anime and manga! Maybe she can get some Inspiration here we've been to Japan once. That was when Tori did show skating. She did a Sailor Moon themed one. Oh and once we went to America and she did a 'School Girl' show. She was quite good at Show Skating.

"Whats with the creepy smile Loser?" Tori asks.

"Just thinking back to your show days!" She cringed and glanced out the window.

"Those outfits were slutty." She says while glaring at a glass of Wine.

"Fucking hell." She growls while snapping the pencils she has in half.

"Does anyone have a large book?" Tori asks. Yakov hands her a thick college brochure.

"Stupid little fucker!" She growls while ripping in in half. She does this at least once every two weeks. Just be glad she hasn't drank anything!

"Calm down. You can go the gym when we land. After that we can get ice cream!" She smiles and punches Yuri.

"What the hell old hag?" Oh he shouldn't have said that.

"OLD HAG EH WANNA GO BITCH?" Ah I love my sibling! She's not scary at all. Ah just kidding she's terrifying in the morning, if she's on her you know what, and if she's drunk. We Nikiforovs can't hold alcohol for the life of us!

"Stop fighting. We're here." Yakov says while Tori and Yuri stop strangling each other.

Tori ran out of the plane and started jumping up and down.

"Vitya!! Let's go and practice! I've been waiting forever!!"

"Bipolar much?" Milia asks me while trying to catch up with Tori. Tori is Bipolar, right now I think she's going through what they call a 'Manic Phase' excessive amounts of energy and she rarely sleeps. She spaces out a lot too. Her Depressive Phases are really hard to see. She's a totally mess and she's almost constantly feeling guilty about stipend stuff or hopelessness, she can also be very aggressive in both phases. She barely skates and when she does it's to help Yuri, she needs a small light of hope during these times. Usually Makachiin fills in for her missing happiness, some times that doesn't help. Once she tried key word: tried cutting. Thankfully I talked her out of it.

I happy to see her happy, it hurts to know your sister has a disorder that can't be cured.

"Victor!! Let's go in there!" Tori says while dragging me into a chocolate shop.

"I love chocolate!" I chuckled at my sisters silliness as she picked up a chocolate rose. It was purple. She also got a giant gummy bear.

"This is all!" She hands the lady behind the register ten dollars and takes the bag of sweets.

"Alright we can go meet up with the others now." Tori giggles while linking arms with me.

---Five hours third Person

"Where's Yuri? His favorite skaters are about to be on!" Minako asks Marie,

"He went out. Probably to the rink."

-------Time skip one week! Tori's pov

"Tori I'm gonna go to Japan!" Victor says while biting into a blueberry muffin.

"I'll schedule a plane, we leave tomorrow morning." Victor gives me a thumbs up as I walk to my room to pack.

"Yo sis don't forget your medicine!" I sighed and threw an orange bottle in my cosmetics bag.

"Just packed it." I yell back, I packed three of my favorite costumes. I never leave the city with out at least one. I also paced my skates.

I had two suitcases of my stuff packed and Victor hasn't even went to pack his stuff yet! It's one a.m!

---Sorry for all the time skips. Their in Japan now.

"Victor!! I want to go to the Hot Spring!" He chucked and signed us up for two rooms. Once I had my bags in my room I went to the Hot Spring.

It was nice soaking. All of my problems from medications I must take everyday to what color my blades are -Currently their silver- melt away. It's as if I was actually relaxing. I haven't been able to take a bath in who knows how long! It's been brief showers since I had school,practice, and making sure Victor and I were in good health since mother and father had died when I was young.

"WHAT?????" Looks like Katsuki found out Victor's coaching him. And this time Katsuki you can't ignore me.

After about an hour I got bored and left. When I got to my room all of my things were there and placed like they were back in Russia. I changed into a pink tank top, a white PINK sports bra and sliver sweat pants. Once I was fully dressed I went to find Vic.

"Ah brother. Katsuki. I'm gonna go to bed." Katsuki blushed and fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.

"Don't stay up to late Katsuki. I'm gonna help you get back into shape one sit up at a time. I need some core work anyways."

I left and went to bed it was a quite night and so far my stay in Japan has been quite lovely.

I'm Nikiforov, Russia's Jewel Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin