Chapter 2

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Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Almost two to be exact. Two whole months we had been at this camp. We scavenged the highway and made risky trips into the city for supplies we needed, but other than that we rarely ever left. Help still hadn't come and honestly, I had no more faith that it would.
But, I had to say this camp was a blessing. Within the time we've been here, we haven't had any run ins with those..things. Noise apparently attracted them, so we had adapted to doing all of our hunting and killing as silently as possible, thanks to the Dixon brothers. We had a large group, and most of us all had something we could offer to help survive, some sort of skill set, and we really had some pretty decent people. For the most part.

Dale, Andrea and her sister Amy were the first people we encountered - the old man that spotted us on the highway and offered us shelter. Dale had traveled with Andrea and Amy the longest, and together the three of them had rounded up everyone on the highway that night.
Glenn was probably who my sisters and I were the closest with, he was a pizza delivery boy that had somehow managed to escape the city - he also knew it by the back of his hand and how to navigate in and out when we needed a supply run.
You had Morales, his wife and their kids. They were sweet people, always ready to lend a hand but we didn't speak much aside from things related to the camp. Jim was a loner, he really only went out of his way to talk to Dale (nobody could resist a conversation with him) and Jacqui, a nice lady who had found him and another man we called T-Dog - whom had also all made it out of the city.

There was also Lori, her son Carl, and Shane. Shane was more or less the groups leader. He and I both had a background in law enforcement, but he was a deputy where as I was just a bounty hunter, so he had an air about him, some sort of structure that I think most people sought comfort in. So slowly everyone just started to look to him for direction.
You also had Carol, her daughter Sophia who my sister Aralyn just adored. She had always loved kids. Carol's husband was also alive and apart of the group - although I wouldn't mind it if he wasn't. He was a sexist, abusive piece of garbage who I could barely make eye contact with without wanting to throw a punch. Really, he and Merle Dixon were the only two in the group that made me feel that way. Merle had a younger brother around my age named Daryl who was a handful, and although he didn't repulse me the way his brother did - he was no angel. He had the whole younger brother desperate for his older's brother approval complex- which was a shame, really. He was the only attractive guy in our group, with the prettiest Georgia blues that complimented his short dirty blonde hair.
And last but not least you had me and my sisters. Me and my twin sister Ashlyn being the oldest, then our baby sister, Aralyn who was only 17. Not a mean bone in her body; someone way too precious for what this world was becoming.

Her gentle voice snapped me from my thoughts, causing me to look up at her from my position on watch with a soft smile.
"Hey sis," she greeted, plopping down next to me. She had her long brown hair tied up and she was wearing one of Glenn's baseball caps. I chuckled at the sight. "You need any water, or something to eat?"

"No thanks," I replied. She sat a bottle of water down next to me regardless, and rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm gonna take the kids down to the lake, it's pretty hot today so it'll keep them occupied - and cooled off."

"Take Ashlynn with you," I replied. "Have her keep watch so you can enjoy yourself too."

"I was hoping you'd let me ask someone to relieve you from watch so you could come with us. You haven't relaxed since we got here, it could be good for you to have at least one day ya know. Plus, Daryl headed down that way to go fishing this morning,"  She raised her eyebrows suggestively, a shit eating grin spreading across her face.

"I'm definitely staying now," I scoffed. "Maybe you should wait on Glenn to get back from his run and ask him to go," I fired back, flicking the rim of her cap. She blushed quickly, looking at her feet. "We're just friends."

"Good, I'd hate for him to have to become corpse bait."

She scoffed, "you love him too much anyways." She stood up, adjusted her cap and waved. "You know where I'll be if you change your mind."

"Be safe!" I called after her as she walked. She shot me a thumbs up and headed to where the kids were playing in the middle of camp. Soon their cheers could be heard all around and she rounded them up, Ashlynn getting up and following after her.

"Hey Ady,"

I looked up at the voice responsible for snapping me from my thoughts this time, Shane towering over me, his tall figure casting a dark shadow. "What's up?" I asked. "You're blocking the sun, ruining my perfectly good tan."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "I got a pretty big favor to ask of ya."


"Well, as you know we're runnin' pretty low on a lot of stuff around here. I'm sending a group in to go and help Glenn gather what we need. You're a good shot, and level headed. I can trust you to keep the group safe. You in?"

"Hell yeah."


So , if you all see the picture to the side , or at the top , wherever it shows up for you , that is Tatiana Maslany ( for those who didn't already know,) who I chose to portray Adasyn & Ashlyn. (Since they're twins.) Adasyn is the one with her hair down , and Ashlyn is the one who's hair is pulled up. I love Tatiana , she's beautiful and an AMAZING actress. Those of you who haven't seen Orphan Black , check it out. Seriously.

Xoxo - Jenny.

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