25. Best Friends

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This is a blurb, but it’s not as rambly as usual, because I actually had some ideas. So, hopefully you like it, if not, then I’m sorry.


Cole would be that friend that is all confident and whatnot and just imagine if he thought one of your friends was cute and he’d probably just upfront ask you about her. And I think you’d both be comfortable enough to talk about people you’re interested in, so you’d ask him about his opinion on a certain guy and he’d just tell you the truth. You’d be comfortable talking to each other about almost anything and you’d know that you can always tell each other anything in confidence, because it’s a safe zone. He would never judge you, because he knows it’s not his place to do so and he would always be there if you needed a shoulder to cry on.


I feel like if you were close friends with Dalton, there is probably a pretty good chance that it’s through similar music tastes. So, I think he’d be the guy that you’d go to a concert with and it’d be really laid back and platonic and even if you were nervous about a particular concert, you’d be so comforted in knowing that Dalton would be there, right by your side the whole time. He wouldn’t ever let anything happen to you and I think he’d be fairly protective even as just a friend. He’d want to meet your boyfriend before things got too serious and he’d want you to meet his girlfriend to get a girl’s opinion on her.


Prank buddies. Mhmm, I bet you’d cause mischief together and always be so close to getting caught and in trouble but you’d always laugh about it, because your pranks would always be harmless fun. Afterwards, you’d both be completely overcome with laughter and your hearts would be pounding with adrenaline from the thrill of being caught. No, not like that, ya nasties. And I feel like if you’re close friends with Dana, then it’s probably a very light-hearted relationship and you don’t really have deep talks or get really serious in your conversations. And I feel like he’d always try to keep things happy and playful and you’d never really talk about people you like or anything like that.


Gabe would listen to all your rants and he wouldn’t judge you and he wouldn’t tell anyone. You could always trust him to keep a secret when he needed to, but if he thought it would be better to tell someone and get help, he would. He would be the friend that always has your best interests in mind and is just looking out for you and trying to protect you. He’d be unspoken in everything he does, and it would be all in the things he does. And some people might wonder why you’re even friends with him because they think he’s cold, but you don’t care what they say, he’s one of the kindest, most considerate, and most precious friends you’ve ever had.


Will would be the guy you went to for boy advice or if something happened between you and a close friend or a boyfriend and he’d just give you a shoulder to lean on and just be the really kind and gentle friend that comforts you. I don’t really think he’d be the guy who tells you that such and such a guy isn’t worth your time, because I feel like he’d want you to see things for yourself. But I do think he’d say things to try and sway you or get you to stop being so blind. And I think he’d be down to cuddle if you were really hurting, and he wrap you up in his arms and protect you from the world. 

And wow, this kind of made me sad. 

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