7. Waking Up to His Text :')

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Baaaaabe. I woke up really early and looked out the window this morning and saw the sunrise and it made me sad, because I thought of you and you’re not here and I miss you L


Hey, Doll, I bet you’re already sleeping but I hope that when you wake up, you will be as happy as I am when I look at you ♥


Bae, I miss you! Tell me you miss me! Oh, you’re probably asleep…oops, anyway I love you and hope you dream of me ;)


Cutie! You’re so cute and sweet and happy morning and I just wanted to say that because you always forget but I never do :*


Sweetie, I miss you so much and I miss seeing you! Today, I woke up and rolled over and had to see Dana’s face, ew…Anyway, call me soon and let’s chat, I wanna hear how you’ve been! Love you! ☺

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