North x depressed reader

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Warning depression feels and suicide

Y/N pov

Another day in Y/N pointless life killing people why they not taken there worthless life no one knows maybe course of-

"AGENT S/N are you even paying attention" The director said.

"s...sorry sir I was jest thinking of something" Y/N stuttered out while silently crying behind there helmet.

"didn't know they had the brain sells to do that" south murmured while north looked at her with a slight glare.

"please leave S/N this meeting is for agents who are smart enough to focus" (gee the director is a real cunt)

"ok sir" Y/N said sadly starting to walk away

"but sir Y/N needs to listen  to this mission report or they will get hurt an-" York was cut of by the director

"no need agent York they will not be joining you on the mission now leave Y/N" you nodded sadly and left

North pov

"sir you did not have to be so harsh" I said trying too fight my anger but the director ignored me

Y/N pov

I hate it I hate being a mess up sometimes I wonder how I made it so high up on the in the first place I'm not good at anything I should jest leave this life and find one I might be worth living in.

then the voices started

"die  no one cares about you no one will miss you"

  "no north will miss you and be sad" you remember  the voice of theta 

"please leave theta I have something very important I need to do alone" you say to theta and than he diapered n a hurry  "Thank you" as I polled out one of my knifes and started cutting  my wrist smiling softly at the blood.

North pov

I stood there not really paying attention to the director because I was to worried about Y/N when theta pop back up "north it Y/n she really sad" This got me worried I knew Y/n had depression so I did what any other person did I ran towards Y/n room ignoring the director calling my name

as ran down the hall faster I ever have a accidentally crashed into someone not caring who it was I got back up and down to y/n room opening the door

y/n pov

I heard the door open to see north.... no he cant be here not now
"son of a bitch" you here him barley say cause the world is getting dark
"Y/n why would you do this"
"Nobody cares I'm a screw up"
"I care I love you"
Y/n masters there last bit of strength
"Ain't that a bitch"

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