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guys I noticed that I only do Lena's POV all the time 😂 I'll do Lisa in the next chapters, don't worry (:

Lena's POV

i walked into my house

mom and dad were watching tv

"Hey guys" I said

"hi" they all said in sync

"what are you doing?"

"we're just watching tv, nothing special" mom said as she grabbed the remote

"ok. so did you get Tayra the apartment?" I asked

"yes. she'll be living with her friend Jordyn"

"Jordyn Jones?"

"oh yes that's her name! do you know her?"

"yeah shes for musically and she's also a dancer" I smiled

"yeah Tayra told us that she does dance. oh and honey if you're hungry then we brought some chipotle it's in the kitchen"


I walked to the kitchen and saw Lisa sitting on the counter, eating and texting

probably Blake


she didn't reply

"hi lisa"

no answer

"Lisa I said hi"

still no answer

"hello Lisa?"


"ok listen I don't know what your problem is but since you've been dating Blake you don't have any time for me. is it actually that freakin hard to say 'hi'" I said as I began to have tears in my eyes

she looked at me

"hi" she said

of course she looked back at her phone

I decided to grab it away from her

and I did


"no way I'm giving this back to you. I'm sick and tired of you acting like I don't exist. you don't talk to me at all. you don't have time to film musically's. I mean we don't have to film them everyday but I don't know if you remember that we have fans. all we ever post are privates or my musically's and the fans keep on asking me where you are and why am I filming alone."

she laughed

"I don't care Ok?" she said

"Lisa I'm your twin sister. and the fact that you rather spend time with a guy who will probably dump you in a week than spend time with me hurts me so much. you don't even know what I'm going through. at night I don't even get any sleep because all I do is cry. this is why I never wanted to move here. you promised me that everything will be ok. is it ok? is it ok Lisa? I know that you don't care about me anymore. and I don't understand why I just..."

I looked down

tears where streaming down my face

after awhile I looked up

she was also crying

"do you not understand that I love him?" she said

"Lisa. I wish that I could tell you something but I just can't. and.well.."

"what is it?"

"I can't tell you"

"please lena tell me"

"Lisa i just. I CANT" I said as I ran out of the kitchen

"what's going on Lena?" dad asked

I didn't answer

I just ran upstairs

I just couldn't tell Lisa about Blake

I was to scared

I need to get his photos before it's too late

sorry for the spelling mistakes guys! I'm really tired ):

Anyways I'll update tomorrow

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